8 Easy Ways to Start Making Smart Money Choices Today

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Whether you like it or not, you need to be financially stable and secure to get anywhere in today’s world. Making smart money choices is necessary, especially with rising costs and stagnant wages.

The earlier you start making sound financial decisions, the better you’ll manage in the future. It’s good to develop healthy financial habits as soon as possible; the longer your cash has to work for you, the better.

So, here are a few ways to make better financial decisions and, hopefully, earn and save money.

Check Your Finances

We live in the modern world, meaning internet banking has taken over. Online banking massively increases your control over your finances, allowing you to check your balance and move money in moments.

This means that you can do a financial health check whenever you like.

First, check your statements for at least six months, ideally a year. This will give a clearer picture of regular bills and expenses and slightly larger expenses like vacations. 

Check your income and outgoings. If your outgoings are more than your income, you have a problem. Even if your income outweighs your outgoings, you might still have issues but have more to work with.

Look for regular hidden expenses you don’t need and potential spending patterns that could be an issue.

Do you regularly add to your savings or investments? If not, why not? Some banks make it easy to save money by adding an impulse saver option, allowing you to build up your savings slowly.

Creating a Budget

There are two ways to improve your finances: spending less and earning more. Ideally, it would help if you tried both options. A budget should decrease your spending. Your financial health check will tell you where your money is going and what you should do about it. Write down your average income and expenses. Include your bills, including debts, subscriptions, and regular savings accounts. 

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Next, make your budget. Using your income, prioritize your expenses. Some, like bills, are non-negotiable. But you can cut down on other costs, such as subscriptions you don’t use or don’t need, and other fun expenses.

Be strict with your food and clothing budget. Believe it or not, you can still be stylish on a budget if you’re smart about what you buy and avoid jumping on every fast fashion trend. Luxuries are just that and can be put aside until your finances look better.

As well as essentials and a little fun money to keep your budget sustainable, your debts should take precedence over savings and investments. Once you’re debt-free, you can be more creative with your cash.

Increasing Your Income

Look into potential opportunities to increase your income. A new career path or a job in your field with better earning potential might be ideal. It’s always a good idea to keep a finger on the pulse of the job market, as you can often earn more money by switching semi-regularly.

Another option is to consider a side hustle or starting a business. A side hustle allows you to earn extra income by working a few hours in your free time. You can scale it according to your needs and circumstances. Even a small profit can pay some bills and give you breathing room.

Investing in Yourself

On a similar note, sometimes it helps to spend time and money now to invest in a better future. Adult education lets you quickly change your career or progress by picking up relevant qualifications.

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Adult education is an excellent option for people with different backgrounds and needs. If you didn’t do well in school, it can help you pick up the basics and build a better future for yourself and your family. It can also allow you to find completely different opportunities.

Most adult educational courses are designed with a busy life in mind. They might be entirely online, allowing you to do the course when you want to. Or you might have evening classes that can fit around your work and family schedule.

Get Rid of Debt

Debt is the enemy of sound finances. Essentially, it acts as a constant drain on your resources. Debt also lowers your credit score, making it more challenging to take out a loan. Even worse, debt can spiral, as you have to take out more loans to pay off outstanding debts.

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But debt isn’t the end.

The sooner you act, the better your options are. If your credit score is still healthy, one great way to simplify your debt is to take out a consolidation loan. Essentially, you take out a loan to pay off your other debts. This loan should also have a lower interest rate than your other debts, allowing you to spend less when repaying.

Funnel will spend as much money as possible to repay this loan. Only paying the minimum amount means that debt hangs over your head for longer, and those interest rates keep increasing. Lenders don’t want you to pay off your debt; they want to keep draining cash. 

If you have savings, use them to repay debt. While this seems counterintuitive, think about it this way. A credit card interest rate could be around 15-20% of your debt, if not higher. That money in a savings account could only earn you a maximum of 5%. This is what savings are for to prevent debt.

Another option is to pay off the debts one at a time. This can work if you don’t have a great credit score or a lot of cash. Start small and pay off a debt as quickly as possible. Then, focus on the next debt, and so on.

Investing Your Money

Regarding investments, considering the traditional way to invest your money seems a good idea. 

The first trick to investing is ensuring you’re completely free of debt. Interest rates on outstanding loans often outweigh what you’d earn from a high-interest savings account or a profitable investment. You’re better off removing financial drains before thinking about economic gains.

The second trick is to do your homework. Treating investment like gambling will result in the same results, so make wise choices. There are a few ways to get started.

First, you can look for ways to invest small amounts of money. This will get you into investing and building your portfolio without locking much of your money away. Your profits can then build up your investment portfolio over time.

You can also use an investment bot that follows the trends as closely as possible. This is safer than trying to invest randomly because the bot tends to invest like an experienced investor. You won’t make any major gains, but you hopefully won’t make significant losses either.

As you gain more experience, explore different options, such as real estate, stocks and bonds, and cryptocurrency. Don’t shy away from more unconventional investment opportunities, either.

Saving Your Money

What’s the difference between saving and investing? Saving is passive, and investing is often active. You make your money work for you rather than leaving it in the bank and receiving automatic interest. Saving often yields lower gains than investing, as even high-interest savings accounts don’t generate as much profit as an investment. However, savings accounts keep money liquid, so you can use it in emergencies.

Generally, having some money in a savings account is a good idea to cover unexpected expenses and high costs you’re saving up for and don’t want to go into debt. Your savings can act as a safety net, but don’t expect to earn much from them.

Finally, it would be best if you thought about saving for retirement. If possible, look for a scheme that maximizes your savings. Many employers offer retirement plans that match your savings or add something. This way, you can build up a pot to secure your retirement future and maybe even retire early.

Life Insurance

This advice will help you build your financial resources for the future. Another consideration is your family if something happens to you. Younger people often neglect wills and life insurance simply because they don’t think they will die anytime soon.

Nobody wants to consider their mortality, but if you have responsibilities to a family or loved ones, it’s a good idea to consider them now. The good news is that relative youth can work in your favor regarding cash value life insurance.

Think about these things as soon as possible. This way, you don’t have to worry about your children or spouse if the worst happens because you can still care for them.

8 Easy Ways to Start Making Smart Money Choices Today


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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