The Blo Bar–My New Favorite Salon

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You may remember my Palm Breeze drinks article that I wrote a few weeks back. Well, the awesome people behind those delicious drinks,  also gave me the opportunity to go to an event that they were hosting at the well known Blo Bar! This is not like any other salon around here in Austin. It is a perfectly named salon that is dedicated solely to blowing out your hair into a cute style.

I have been natural for about a year and a half. So when I first heard about this event and that I was invited to go, I was super excited! Being natural makes it a very difficult task to blow out my own hair; so having someone else do it for me sounded like a dream come true! They were also providing car service through Lyft, there and back. And the cherry on top? Everything would be for free for me and two guests of my own choosing!

A Quick And Easy Ride With Lyft

download (1)

The day of the event, about a half hour before my two sisters and I were suppose to arrive at the Blo Bar, I received a text telling me when the car was arriving, the type and color of the car, and the person who would be driving us. This was great because I did have a little bit of anxiety getting into a car with a complete stranger…something that has been embedded into all of our brains since we’ve been young. So knowing exactly what to expect, really helped me relax and just enjoy our ride.

                                                                                                                      (one of my sisters and I during our ride)

Refreshing Palm Breeze Drinks and Delicious Snacks

When we arrived at the Blo Bar, only half an hour into the event, the place was already filled with women wanting to get their hair done! My sisters and I were immediately greeted and signed in–we were on a list! Can you say, exclusive? Awesome.


Right after, we tried both kinds of Palm Breeze drinks including, Pineapple Mandarin Orange and Ruby Red Citrus. They were both so good and refreshing, but I ended up choosing the pineapple flavor. A was given a can and a cute paper straw, which, I admit, made the drink taste even better.

There was also a mix it up bar, where you could make you own drink!

The drinks were awesome–and a little strong (in a good way!). But to my surprise, food was provided as well! And it was good.  My favorite was this little quesadilla that had meat and cheese!

IMG_0705A Little Bit Of A Mix Up


After about 15 minutes of being at the event, of course there was music and a lot of people talking but I noticed something odd. I didn’t hear any blow dryers going. I pointed it out to my sisters and they had just realized it too. A few minutes later, it was my turn.

I had been waiting over a month to finally be pampered! I sat in a cute little square shaped seat and was asked which style I would like. I said the executive, a style that is bone straight. Nope. I could not have it. I had one of only two choices. A fishtail braid or beach waves. I asked why and my stylist said that there would be no blow outs today. And I sat and thought to myself, how is a blow dry salon having an event and is not doing blow outs?

Being a person who liked to keep the peace, I didn’t argue. I asked the stylist was she could do. She took a small section of my hair and tried to comb it out with a tiny comb. No, no, no. With natural hair, you NEVER try to comb out curls on dry–and dirty–hair.

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This was my worse nightmare. I was terrified of this happening. The biggest problem with natural hair is that a lot of people do not know how to deal with it. I did a little bit of research beforehand and was hopeful that the Blo Bar could tame my curls. I was more than a little disappointed.

Fortunately, I explained the situation to–I am guessing–the manger of the salon, Emily. She was awesome. She explained to me that this was a “dry” event, mostly to just get their name out there. However, she understood my frustrations that on my invite, it clearly said I would be receiving a shampoo, condition, and a blow out. Otherwise, I would not have agreed to attend because of the near impossible task of straightening natural hair dry without damaging it. She made me a new appointment for the next morning to actually experience what I was promised.

Take #2

I headed to the Blo Bar the next day with crossed fingers and hopeful wishing. I walked in and was greeted by a lot of happy faces and the option of water or champagne. Of course I chose champagne! I signed in at the desk and was greeted by the same stylist that I had the day before. She once again, guided me to her station and apologized for the previous day’s events.

                                                                                                                    (my before picture, before I left for the Blo Bar)

She asked about my hair and how I usually go about washing it and whatnot. She assured me  that she has dealt with hair like mine more than once, but I was not yet convinced. After a short consultation, we headed over to the sinks. She had natural products, something that I really liked because that is what I like to use at home. It was so nice and relaxing having my hair washed by a professional. She gave me a mini head massage and everything!

So, after the shampooing, conditioning, and a little bit of small talk, we headed back to her station. She used small sections and a shampoo brush to detangle my coils. Then came the blow dryer. She made the process look so easy! She did my hair faster than I could ever imagine to do on my own! She also used heat protector so the heat would not damage my hair and argon oil to make sure its sleek and healthy.

                                                                                                                              (halfway done with blow drying)

The End Result

So I have to say, she did redeem herself from the mishap from the day before. My hair is straight and healthy and I could not be any happier with it. I now have a new place that I can go to for a jaw dropping hairstyle!


I really want to thank Palm Breeze Website  for giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity and I am more than grateful for it. You can find Palm Breeze in almost any grocery store in the alcohol section. Make it a girls night and have a blow out party of your own either at the salon or pay them to come to you! Either way, I think you will like the end result.


The Blo Bar Homepage

Palm Breeze Website 

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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