5 Must Have Items You Need To Get Your Life Under Control Right Now

Show of hands right now. Who honestly has their life under control?

I am going to suspect not too many hands were raised and those that did, I need you to comment below. Having it all together can be very hard and seem almost impossible. As women, hell, as human beings, we tend to have so many balls up in the air that our lives can be all over the place.

It is tricky to get a handle on everything and figure out how to make life a bit easier. Well, have no fear! There are a few easy ways that you can get your life under control right now. Five ways to be exact! These 5 items are must-haves in order to get your life under control right now!

*This article contains affiliate links, and we will be compensated for any purchase made by clicking on them.*

1. Debitize

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So when you think about how out of control your life is, what is one of the biggest things you can’t seem to get ahold of? Your financials. There are millions and millions of articles on how to get your financials in order. You would think with that much information out there it would be a simple fix and we would all be such responsible adults with our money.

Right? Wrong!

Getting your financials in order is one of the biggest problems for people. PwC did an Employee Financial Wellness Survey back in 2016 that found that “46% of those who are distracted by their finances at work say that at work each week they spend three hours or more thinking about or dealing with issues related to their personal finances” (Money Habitudes). So not only is this a factor dwelling on your life but also in your career.

In fact, “Millennials (25%) are more likely than older employees (16% of Gen X and 11% of Baby Boomers) to say that their productivity at work has been impacted by their financial worries (Money Habitudes). Essentially worrying about your financials can impact major decisions and ultimately take over your life.

So what can you do to get your financial life under control? *enter Debitize*

Debitize is a company that works with your already established financial decisions and helps them to work in your favor. This way if you don’t have the discipline to handle your financials, Debitize does it for you. One of the biggest ways we find ourselves in a financial crisis is because of credit card debt. It is so tricky to have what feels like zero consequence money and have the regulation of planning on how we can pay it back.

So with Debitize, you would make purchases on your credit card as you normally would. They then deduct the amount from your checking account every day and at the end of the month, pay off your credit card bill. This not only helps you to get your financial life under control but also comes with some perks. By staying on top of your credit card, you can ensure a better credit score and more rewards from your credit card.

Sign up with Debitize today to get control of your financial life.

2. Productivity Planner

Another issue we commonly have for getting our life under control is using our time wisely. I will oftentimes find myself doing pointless tasks (or nothing at all) even though I know there are so many other important things that need to be done. This is the absolute worst because I then end up panicking and cramming to get other things done.

Did you know that “1 out of 5 people procrastinate so badly that it may be jeopardizing their jobs, their credit, their relationships, and even their health” (Brandon Gaille)? Now I’m not saying that yours may be that severe but not having the discipline to make the most of your time can be detrimental. We always say we’ll end the procrastination but let’s actually get it under control.

There is this wonderful wonderful journal called The Productivity Planner. It helps you to finally tackle procrastination and achieve more by doing less. You are able to accomplish what is most important but not necessarily busywork. The Productivity Planner was created using the Ivy Lee method that made Charles Schwab so damn rich. So you know this planner is only going to churn out success for you.

The best part?

You plan at the beginning of the week and at the end of each day and week, you get to reflect on how effective you were, chart your patterns, and figure out how to improve. It’s almost like you have your own personal time life coach. However, instead of paying an arm and a leg for one of those, you get to pay the low rate of $24.95. Plus, you are your own coach! So it is all on you if you truly work at it to help yourself succeed.

Still curious about The Productivity Planner? Well, check out this video!

You need one in your life, right? Click here to order your own Productivity Planner.

3. At-A-Glance

While we’re talking about taking control of your time and your life, let’s also look at regular planners. Along with The Productivity Planner, you also need a regular planner to help you remember the bigger details. Meetings, events, appointments, etc. You should have a planner that keeps you in the know and on top of your life. Now you may be asking what’s the difference between having a regular planner and The Productivity Planner.

Here’s the deal.

The Productivity Planner breaks down your entire day and helps you to make the most of your time. A regular planner helps you to look at the bigger picture and plan. You can get some amazing planners from At-A-Glance. They have a whole array of different types of planners that would cater to your lifestyle.

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Maybe you have children and need to coordinate multiple schedules. In that case, the erasable calendars or DayMinder planners might be best for you. There are so many different styles of planners as well that can range from fun and fashionable in the classroom or slick and stylish in the boardroom.

I personally always keep a large desk calendar for my apartment and a cute yearly planner that I carry around with me. Both planners are in sync and have the same information. But with the large desk calendar, I have the dates staring me in the face with their large print. The portable planner is perfect for me to tote around and easily flip through months at a time. I always find my life is spiraling out of control when I don’t have at least one planner because I keep all these dates just in my mind. I don’t know about you but my mind is not so reliable with remembering important dates. Having it written down ensures that I never miss a date and get my life under control.

Click here to check out the At-A-Glance selection to get your life under control as well.

4. The Container Store

So we have your financials sorted and your time. Now, let us focus on the other big issue that often takes control of your life. Your stuff. Ugh just listen to the word. Stuff. It just sounds like the evil villain that always throws a fork in your life.

You, of course, want to surround yourself with items that are most precious to you and make your house a home. But too much stuff can wreak havoc on your life. Being able to put some order to it and manage it in an organized way will definitely help you to get your life under control right now.

There is this beautiful place called The Container Store where your wildest organization dreams come true. If you haven’t heard of it until this moment, then I am sorry to say you have not been living. The Container Store has every type of organizational item you could ever think of. There are containers for your closet, kitchen, bathroom, travel, storage, laundry, office, garage, your life! You can go in and I guarantee you will find some organizational item that is ideal for you.

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One of the craziest areas in my apartment is my closet. It is so disorganized and often times me searching for the right thing to wear causes me to be late. So something that I personally love and make use of is the compartment hanging organizers. They typically come in 3,6, or 10 compartment options and are one of the greatest things. I use them to organize my shirts ranging from plain old t-shirts to fancier tops.

Dividing them up helps me to better navigate what I’m looking for quicker. Plus, the hanging organizer doesn’t take up too much room in my closet. Because it hangs down, the width of it is usually the space 3 hanging shirts might take. So with the hanging organizer, I am able to easily navigate my clothes and it makes my closet look less cluttered.

Click here to fulfill your organizational dreams with The Container Store.

5. Yoga Download

So lastly, we want to focus on the only other big ticket item that usually makes us feel like our life is out of control. Your mental health. You can make lists and work on your financials till you’re blue in the face. But if you have lots of things sitting in your mind, you will perpetually feel like your life is spiraling out of control.

Now getting your mental life under control can look differently for everyone. Some people do really well with self-help books, while others may need a more physical outlet. A great compromise between the two would be yoga.

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“Some yoga methods use specific meditation techniques, which focus the mind on your breathing to quieten the constant ‘mind chatter’, relieves stress and allow you to feel relaxed. Practicing these breathing techniques . . . can also boost oxygen levels in the brain, leaving you feeling happier and more content with everyday life” (Health and Fitness Travel). So yoga helps you to connect to your core/soul and really cleanse the hell out of it. There is also the fact that it can be an exercise as well that connects to those that need a physical outlet. Almost “any pose will strengthen an area of the body if it is practiced in the right way, without putting too much stress on specific muscle groups” (Health and Fitness Travel).

A great place to access many different yoga courses and demonstrations are Yoga Download. With Yoga Download you are able to browse through hundreds of yoga classes and pick the one that best suits your needs.

The best part?

You are able to complete a class wherever you choose. Classes can be downloaded or streamed so you don’t necessarily need internet access to participate. You can access it from your computer, phone, television, etc. Yoga Download makes it stress-free and easy for you to find your Zen. You can either pay for classes individually as you go or get the membership and gain unlimited access to all of the classes. Either way, you will gain access to a whole world of classes that want to help you reach your best self and gain control of your life.

Click here to get your mental life under control with Yoga Download.


With these 5 must-have items, you will be able to finally get your life under control. It can be hard and scary. Trust me, I know. But becoming your best self is never an easy feat. Thankfully you now have the tools and resources to show your life once and for all who is in charge.

Do you have something that has helped you to get your life under control? An absolute must-have? Share it below in the comments section!



Money Habitudes

Brandon Gaille

The Productivity Planner

Youtube- What is the Productivity Planner 

The Container Store


Yoga Download

Health and Fitness Travel

Having it all together can be very hard. IWell, have no fear! Check out these 5 must-have items you need in order to get your life under control right now!



  • Tavinia Tucker

    I am a graduate student in the Multicultural Woman’s and Gender Studies Department at Texas Woman’s University. I enjoy reading, traveling and binge watching Netflix.

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