3 Sweet Things about Going Back to School

Thank you Goetze’s Candy for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.

It is that time of the year again to go back to school. For many the thought of you heavy college workload while you are still enjoying your Summer Vacation, is enough to put you into a not so happy mood. While I am out of school, I can remember the dreadful feeling all too well about returning to school. While textbooks and homework are inevitable, there are a few things you can look forward to in the new year to get you out of that dreadful mindset. Here are my personal things I would look forward to for the new year to keep me in a positive mood1

A New Fall Wardrobe15900293240_7bb658cd89

One thing you can always look forward to is a new fall wardrobe. While I do get bummed that I am going to school, I love back to school shopping. There are always great deals and coupons floating around and one of the most exciting things for me when it comes to back to school is thinking about how fab I will look in my new fit.

Seeing Your Buddies You have not seen all summer

2868435788_6ee3379fbbOnce I get over how cute I look in my new outfit, the second part of my excitement, is seeing my friends whom I have not seen all summer and catching up. Yeah I am sure there are some friends you kept in touch with over the summer, but it is not the same as seeing them every day in class and also being able to have someone to talk to about the school workload. Can you say venting buddy?

The New Cows Tales Crispy Moos debuting this fall

carmel cream bars

While this does not happen every year, this is something worth noting as a plus for the new school year! Goetze’s is debuting a new delicious snack called the Cow Tales Crispy Moos which is a Crispy Rice treat with Cow Tale bites on it. Can you say delish?These are the perfect snack to throw in your bag and enjoy in between classes. While I do not have an exact date for when these will be debuting, you can keep your eyes peeled for them in your local grocery or you can pre-order them online. Another way to get your Crispy Moo fix is to enter in the Goetze giveaway below and get a box for free as well as other gifts! If you want to learn more about these new delicious treats, you can check them out here.


Prizes for the giveaway include:

  • 1 Made in USA Goetze’s Embroidered Tote
  • 1 Made in USA Goetze’s Embroidered Shirt
  • 1 Box of Cow Tales® Crispy Moo bars (NEW ITEM. 15 Snack Bars in a box!)
  • 1 Cow Tales® Made in USA Tumbler, filled with Cow Tales®

Remember that going back to school does not have to be a drag. There are so many reasons to look forward to the first day of school. If you enter the giveaway below, you can add winning to your list of reasons why back to school season is an awesome one. Good luck on the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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