How to Travel Without Leaving Your Home

travel while staying home
by: Alexandria

The beauty of traveling abroad is having the opportunity to meet new and interesting people, trying new foods and learning more about a culture outside your own. Many would love to get up and pack their bags for a trip around the world, but many do not have the funds to go jet setting. However, you can experience the benefits of traveling without leaving your home.

Opening up your home to travelers is a great way to meet new people and make new friends without dropping money for plane tickets. There are so many different online sites that can connect you with people looking for a short stay in your own town. Here are few to get you started. is a popular site to connect with travelers from all over the world. The site has safety advice and tons of features built in for a bit more assurance that the people you are choosing to speak and interact with are actually trustworthy before you let them stay in your home.

Sister Cities/Twin Towns

Almost every town has its own sister city or “twin town” in the UK. There are a few exchange programs that allow you to host visitors from your city’s own sister city in other countries. Anyone from entire classes of students and teachers to international visitors are involved, and it’s a great way to volunteer and meet new people.

Need a few ideas or places to buy necessities for your guests? This Hotel Supply Online, provides Hotel Bar Supplies for anyone willing to provide extra accommodations for their guests. The Atlanta Hotel Supply is an easy way to get the supplies you need to host your international guests.

Citizen Diplomacy

This online option is a great way for hosts to help visitors, attending government delegations from other countries, with accommodations. When cities host junkets they often send groups of journalists, diplomats, education officials and business leaders on for various events.

The experience of hosting travelers is a rewarding one. You get to make friends, learn about new cultures and be there as a volunteer for those who need a place to stay. Without leaving your home you can travel the world, and when you do eventually get a chance to venture off abroad, you may even have friends to visit and help you with your stay as well.

Do you want to travel abroad but you don't have the funds to do so? Why not travel without leaving your home? Continue reading to find out how.


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