Top 5 Relationship Books You Should Be Reading

I don’t know about you but just the thought of diving into a new relationship (romantic or otherwise) sounds utterly exhausting and scary. Maybe for some people relationships are easy peasy to make and keep. However I think for the rest of the world relationships are hard!

Whether it be relationships with your significant other, friends or even forging relationships with coworkers. There are a plethora of things that can take up the major focus areas of our lives. Many of those don’t contribute to long lasting relationships. Just think of all the time you spend liking people’s photos on Instagram. Seems like it is easier to make friends online than it to make friends in real life! Check out some of these great relationship books to help jump start your relationship search!

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Romantic Relationships

Relationship Books Relationship Books

Finally! A how to guide for Millennials to help you forge ahead in creating those working place relationships! Creating relationships at your office can be an all new exciting time but also terrifying. For some of us we are entering a work place where we could very well be the youngest in the office. Which is not always the most pleasant experience.

The ladies in the office might take the “high and mighty” stance until you can metaphorically “prove” yourself worthy of the office. It is difficult to make friends with an office full of older women and men. However it is important if you want to have a happy work life.

Just thinking about being separated from your partner can be gut wrenching and painful. Maybe you are used to being able to see them at the drop of a hat. Well if you are moving far away that is all about to change. Long distance relationships can seriously be the most stressful, demanding and difficult trials of any relationship. On top of all the typical issues that you face in a relationship now you add several hundred to several thousand miles between you.

Thankfully there are tons of relationship books to read and ways to make it work.

It can be incredibly difficult to transition from living with your friends and seeing them in day to day life to living in the adult world. Your new “big kid” job probably takes up a big chunk of your time from around 8:00 to 5:00 every day. About the time you get home, kicking back with a glass of wine is sounds pretty perfect. Doesn’t leave much time for you to go out and make new friends, honestly just thinking about it is exhausting.

Not to fear! Shasta Nelson’s book

Maybe you aren’t struggling to make new friends but to keep holding onto old friends. That in and of itself it quite the task. The shift from having all that free time to the crazy life of a working girl puts a damper on your social life. Frientimacy is a friendship relationship book that is all about keeping those friends close and how to make them last! Don’t miss out on the friendship of a lifetime just because you don’t have the same college life schedule.

Nelson specifically focuses on female friends and the impulse to pull away from long term friends. I don’t know about you but pulling away does sound like the easier option, but think about what you could lose. For most friendships it doesn’t take much to keep in contact, especially with all of the social media outlets we have. A friendship is always two-sided, Nelson gives you a play by play on how to keep your friends and deepen those relationships!

Top 5 Relationship Books You Should Be Reading


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