17 Ways Your Workout Is Effectively Growing Your Paycheck
Have you been looking for a reason to work out? If so, I have 17 reasons for you. Working out is essential to healthy living. It has been proven that people that work out tend to be healthier and have a better quality of life than people who do not. In addition to the health benefits of your daily workout, you may find that you have more money in your wallet when you live an active lifestyle. Let me show you how.
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1. Productivity
Working out has been proven to increase productivity. Exercising for a short amount of time each day increases blood flow to the brain. A short workout will allow you to have more energy and be more alert. When your employer notices how productive and alert you are, you just may be offered a raise or promotion!
2. Health
As stated above, working out is essential to healthy living. Working out greatly improves overall health, even if it is just for a few minutes each day. Daily activity plays a huge role in your health. As you become healthier, you will find yourself feeling better and not heading to the doctor as much. This, in turn, saves you money in the long run. Paying a co-pay for the doctor’s office will add up if you are constantly sick.
3. Daily Burn
If you work out often, you may want to look into ways to cut the cost of your gym membership. Home workout programs are a great alternative and may save you money each month. Daily Burn is a workout subscription service that costs $14.95 per month. If this is your thing, you could save at least $60. If you’re unsure, try them free for 30 days!
4. Health Insurance
Health insurance is a very touchy subject right now. Let’s face it, healthcare is extremely expensive. This is true whether you have insurance or not. Health insurance costs (and coverage) are affected by the state of your health. Some companies require a health screening before approving candidates for insurance. Your workout efforts will improve your chances of being approved for coverage and a lower monthly premium. This means more money for you to spend elsewhere.
5. Pact
Pact is an app that pays you to work out. All you need to do is make a pact to exercise more, then set the amount that you will pay other members if you don’t reach your goal. The “pot” is divided among the members that complete their pact. The app uses GPS and you check in at your gym to ensure that no one cheats. It really helps you reach your goals and adds money to your budget.
6. Grocery Costs
Working out has a way of pushing people to improve their lifestyle. The number one way to improve your lifestyle is changing the way that you eat. Cleaning up your diet is a great way to keep more money in your pocket because you will not be purchasing overpriced processed foods. Stores like Aldi and Trader Joes have fresh foods at great prices. It may take a while to get used to a new way of eating, but it will save hundreds of dollars in the long run.
7. Cutting Unhealthy Habits
Do you have an unhealthy habit like smoking or drinking? Working out can motivate you to give up unhealthy habits. The average cost of cigarettes in Georgia is $4.49. The price of alcohol is around $10 for the bottom shelf. That’s more than $1,400 per year. Imagine what you could do with an extra $1,400 per year!
8. Medication Costs
As we all know, medication costs can add up very quickly. Leading a healthy lifestyle can reverse some illnesses and diseases. Working out at least 30 minutes a day can increase your energy as well save you money on prescription medications. Risk for illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure can decrease significantly with exercise. Working out can also help your body heal and reduce your need for certain medications at all. Your body, wallet, and the insurance company will all thank you for taking the time to work out. Of course, you should always talk to your physician before making any changes to your exercise and medication regimen.
9. DietBet
DietBet is a great way to win money for working out. Each participant determines the percentage of weight that they want to lose and the amount of money that they want to bet. Each campaign is for 4 weeks, 6 months, or 1 year. At the end of the campaign, if you have met your goal then you split the money with the other participants that have met their goal. People that reach their goal typically get paid 2 times the amount that they bet.
10. Counseling
There is a phrase that says “running is cheaper than therapy.” This is true, and it doesn’t have to strictly be running. Any type of workouts will produce the same effects. Researchers in a 1999 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine determined that participants of the study that exercised had significantly lower rates of depression for a longer period than participants that had gone to therapy or taken medication. No costs for counseling means more money in your pocket. Be sure to speak with a physician before making the decision to forego counseling because sometimes it’s necessary.
11. Wellness Initiatives

Many employers offer wellness initiatives and incentives for their employees to get and stay healthy. My job offers free preventative exams. They also pay half of the monthly fee for employees to join weight watchers if they choose to. I have seen another company provide their employees with Fitbits and offer money for the employee with the most steps each month. Wellness initiatives at your job are worth considering. The value of the things that your employer offers could add up quickly.
12. Beachbody
Beachbody is a great way to grow your paycheck while working out. This is a home workout program that allows its customers to become coaches. The coaches create challenge groups and motivate participants to complete their workout programs. Beachbody compensates their coaches a percentage of Beachbody products purchased by their challenge groups.
13. Medical Visits
Working out is great for your overall health. This, in turn, is great for saving money on medical visits. Medical visits have a way of draining your wallet. If you are healthy, you won’t need to go to the doctor as much. In fact, if you take advantage of health insurance or wellness initiatives through an employer, you may be able to receive free preventative exams. If the exam results are normal, you won’t need to see a doctor for a year and you still have the money that you would have paid initially.
14. Life Insurance
Life insurance is something that everyone should have. Unless you have coverage through your job, most companies require a medical exam to determine coverage. The healthier you are, the easier it is to find life insurance coverage. A lot of companies will not cover individuals that smoke or are overweight. Your workouts are saving you tons of money by keeping your life insurance premiums low.
15. Healthy Wage
Healthy Wage is a wellness challenge. The object is to bet on yourself to be active and lose weight. You select the amount of weight that you want to lose, the time frame, and the amount of money that you would like to contribute per month. When your time is up, you either win the or lose depending on whether you met your goal or not. Work out, reach your goal, and win money. It’s that simple.
16. Packing Lunch
As I mentioned earlier, working out has a way of inspiring people to change their complete lifestyle. When this happens, you tend to make better food choices. Packing a lunch from home saves calories as well as money. Eating out daily for lunch could be anywhere from $5 to $10 per meal. Packing your own lunch for work can save you $140-$280 each month!
17. Teach Classes
Once you have committed to a lifestyle of fitness, you may decide that you love it. If you love working out and want to share your love with others, try teaching fitness classes at your local gym. Leading others to a healthy lifestyle while getting your own workout in and getting paid is a great deal.
As you can see, working out can add quite a bit of money to your paycheck. It’s not easy, but it is beneficial. I encourage you to incorporate a few of the tools listed in your daily life. Your body, your wallet, and your doctor will thank you for your hard work. Working out just 30 minutes each day can make a huge difference in the quality of your life and bank account.