How to Care for Your Face: Helping Your Dry Skin

There are a few things girls with dry skin will tell you:

  1. It is really difficult to find skin care that doesn’t burn
  2. Powder makeup is something dreams are made of. Basically, we can only use it while prancing on cotton candy clouds at 3 in the morning
  3. Flaky skin will happen and it’s not cute
  4. We’re tired of only using cream blushes and bronzers

So many things can have an effect on our skin, and many of these we cannot control.  Whether it is the climate of where we live, the impact our hormones have on our bodies, or any of the other random occurrences that change the way our skin reacts, there are steps we can take to soothe and care for our dry skin. 

While it would be the easiest thing in the world if one set of products works for everyone, the fact remains that what works for one person may not work for another.  This is why it’s important to sample products and get some professional advice.

If the dermatologist isn’t an option, or your skin isn’t irritated to the point where only a medical doctor can help, start with these recommendations.

Makeup Removal & Cleansing

It goes without saying that we should always remove our makeup before bed.  Leaving on makeup can have damaging effects on your skin and cause blemishes, redness, and even breakouts.  To make sure you get it all off without harsh chemicals, try using an oil-based remover.  Foams and cleansing cloths can dry out the skin, but products with an oil base are gentle and put moisture back into your skin instead of stripping it away. 

Products with Argan oil have multiple benefits, such as Josie Maran’s Argan Cleansing Oil.  Not only does this take off every bit of makeup you have on (including eyeliner and mascara!), but it also contains replenishing plant-based oils that deep-clean pores without stripping away moisture.

While the Argan Cleansing Oil may double as a cleanser for some, those of us who want a little more cleansing due to blemishes or other issues should follow up the makeup removal with a cleansing product that addresses your specific problem.  Some products that may help are listed below. However, consult your specialist to find the best product for your skin:

  • Murad’s Clarifying Cleanser
  • Philosphy’s Purity Made Simple
  • Josie Maran’s Argan Cleansing Treatment
  • Murad’s Time Release Acne Cleanser (for those with acne prone dry skin)

Hydrate & Treat

Two or three times each week, set aside an extra few minutes for a hydrating treatment.  For me, Glamglow’s Thirstymud Hydrating Treatment twice per week leaves my skin tingly and supple.  I leave this on for 10 to 20 minutes before hopping into the shower, although the leave-on time may vary from person to person.  A few other options are Korres’ Greek Yoghurt Advanced Nourishing Sleeping Facial (not necessary to leave it on all night), Caudalie’s Moisturizing Cream Mask, and Fresh’s Rose Face Mask.

Serums & Moisturizers

After cleansing and treatment, a good step to add into your regime is a serum.  Whether you opt to only apply this at night, or decide to apply in the morning too, serums can help add moisture back into your skin.  The best way to find a brand of serum for your skin type is to try them out.  For me, Murad’s Sensitive Skin Soothing Serum is the perfect daytime serum, and DermaDoctor’s Wrinkle Revenge Ultimate Hyaluronic Serum is my go-to nighttime choice.

For even more treatment, you can add a night recovery oil after your serum.  Try Caudalie’s Vinosource Overnight Recovery Oil.  I dab this on my dry spots at night, but it was also recommended to me by a skincare specialist at Sephora to add a drop to my liquid foundation or moisturizer during the day.  Another good option is Josie Maran’s 100 Percent Pure Argan Oil Light, especially if you are using her cleansing products.

When it comes to thefinal step ofmoisturizing, the same rule of thumb applies as serums: try before you buy.  In personal experience,moisturizers have (ironically enough)stripped my skin of moisture, enhanced redness, and even broke me out.  Tell your specialist about your concerns. To narrow it down and avoid spending five hours in the store trying out various brands, mention the following as plausible options: First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream, Murad Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture, Benefit Cosmetics Total Moisture Facial Cream, and Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Sorbet.

My recommendation is to block out a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday and visit your local Sephora for a consultation with a skin care specialist.  There, you can explain your specific concerns and request samples before spending a good amount of money on something that may not work.  It may take a few tries and various samples, but with patience and the proper care, your dry skin will be under control, supple, and radiant in no time!

*Ladies in the Houston, TX area – go see Doll at The Woodlands Mall Sephora, or Dawn at The Willowbrook Mall Sephora.  They are very helpful and have your best interest in mind!

**Results are not typical, please see a professional if your skin concerns exceed the simple redness/blemishes/dryness described on this page.  Please consult a skincare specialist for products specific to your concerns.




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