The Awesome Tool I Use to Reflect on My Goals Every Year

This post was sponsored by AT-A-GLANCE as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

The At a glance planner I use to Reflect on My Goals Every Year

I cannot believe we are already at the end of the year. Time really does fly when you are having fun. I spent some time reflecting on 2017. And in my time of reflecting I wanted to write out the things, I am proud to say I’ve accomplished this year while reflecting on my goals in the new year ahead!

But most importantly, I want to share how you can do this for yourself using an essential tool that I use every year that makes reflecting on my goals from the past year even more memorable.

The Tool I Used to Document My Life

It all seems like so much once it’s all written down like this, which is why I love writing this post every year. But honestly, I would not have been able to do it without my AT-A-GLANCE planner. My current planner keeps me on task, makes it easy for me to turn my thoughts into actions and keeps me from focusing on things in my business that do not matter as much.

at-a-glance planner : reflect on my goals

Might I add, that my planner played a fundamental role in planning my wedding! I knew what tasks I had to get done and when and just followed my notes I left for myself on each page.

And now is the time of year where I am finishing up my planner for this year and getting a new one for the year ahead. You can get your new one too by going here.

What I’ve Accomplished This Year

Jasmine Watts 2017 at a glance ; reflect on my goals

2017 felt like a whirlwind. And it made me realize how valuable it is to appreciate every moment and work towards achieving even more memories. This year I had quite a few milestones under my belt.

I Got Married

Getting married was a big one! Although I am doing my symbolic ceremony this month in Cancun, Mexico; Chris and I had a small courthouse wedding surrounded by our family.

Jasmine Watts and Chris Drown getting married : reflect on my goals Jasmine Watts and Chris Drown getting married : reflect on my goals

We didn’t think it would be that big of a deal until my mom showed up to surprise us and the rest of our family members all pitched in with all the details to make it special. It turned out to be quite memorable.

I Faced my Fear of Heights at the Grand Canyon

I always had a fear of heights. But I did not realize to what degree until I got to the Grand Canyon. You can read all about my ordeal in the newsletter here.  But despite my most profound fear of heights, I faced them head on and felt so good for doing so! This was a huge accomplishment for me this year for sure.Jasmine Watts and Chris Drown at horseshoe bend : reflect on my goals

I Paid Off My Car

Woot! Finally! I know this one is not as exciting, but I have always looked to this day as my last one having a car note.

reflect on my goals ny first ever car

I will never repurchase a new car since you can get just as much value from a used one. So goodbye car notes, forever!

I Participated in the Historical Women’s March

Women's March 2017: reflect on my goalsWomen's March 2017: reflect on my goals

I was so proud to have been a part of this. I told everyone around me about it and made sure we all went to Austin to participate. I knew it would be a historical event long before they announced it on the news.

Women's March 2017 crew: reflect on my goals

I knew how passionate I felt about marching that day, and if the other marchers felt the way I did, it would be amazing. My expectations were met, and then some.

I Rode in a Helicopter

Okay, this is something I never had on my bucket list (ahem, see my fear of heights above). But I am so glad I did this scary thing. Not only was it an overwhelmingly beautiful experience, but it was not all that scary! Sometimes our fears hold us back from the most remarkable experiences. I’m glad I did not let my fear hold me back from this one.

I started a blog consulting and marketing side gig

jasmine watts consulting: reflect on my goals

Lastly, I started doing marketing and blog consulting. This one happened more out of luck than anything. I always have people asking me for my advice on strategies in blogging and marketing for business. Because I was asked so much, I decided I would just start consulting! I set up my page at and it was history after that. I am happily helping anyone who needs help with building their business with marketing.

Why Owning a Planner has Changed My Life

I’ve used planners and organization tools online. But they are just not the same as having something with me everywhere I go to document out what I should focus on each day. But what I have found that works for staying organized is having my physical planner with me, and using my physical planner to document my to-do lists for the week on my digital planners online.

at a glance planners to reflect on my goals

Because of my planner, I am more focused and more intentional about how I spend my time, and I have AT-A-GLANCE to thank for that. I will be spending the month of December brainstorming about content ideas and life goals I want to accomplish in 2018, and I will be documenting those things out in my new planner.

So there ya have it! Another year, another list of accomplishments I can proudly say I’ve accomplished. Creating this list just makes me more excited for the new year. So what did you achieve this year? I want to hear your accomplishments in the comments!

Go here to get your AT-A-GLANCE Planner for the Year!

If you want to get your hands on a brand spanking new AT-A-GLANCE Planner, I have a beautiful one that you would just love below. Good luck!

Win a 2018 AT-A-GLANCE Planner

I share the tool I use to reflect on my goals and how you can do this for yourself every year that makes reflecting on my past year even more memorable.


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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