6 Tips To Focus On Personal Growth

6 Tips To Focus On Personal Growth

Personal growth comes from within. As long as you make the conscious decision to expand your horizons, anything can be achieved. Here are six essential tips to focus on your personal growth.

1. Set Intentions

Set intentions on how you would like to focus on personal growth because it looks different for everyone. Writing your intentions down in a journal or on a vision board can be very helpful. Start by journaling these daily intentions and see what you can accomplish, then work your way up.

As you start to realize your larger intentions, make sure you have reminders so they are at the forefront of your thoughts and actions.

2. Push your boundaries

Sign up for a workout class you haven’t tried before, learn a new skill, try a wine and paint class. Take a trip by yourself, if you are able. These don’t have to be big pushes, they can simply be a nudge in a different direction.

Interrupting your usual routine lets your mind explore other possibilities and can expand your growth. Maybe you will be ignited to explore something new or explore something that once inspired you. Find something that you are passionate about and push forward to continue to learn and grow.

person holding red ladder pointed into sky

3. Meditate

It is important to reflect on how you are progressing every so often. Sometimes, we forget to check in with our own bodies and minds. We need to dedicate time to reflect on how we are taking in the outside world.

Set aside some time in the day for meditation. Ease your mind and body and check to see if you are in line with the intentions that you have set. If you’re not, consider how you can get back to focusing on them. Know that it is okay that if you find yourself off-track after reflecting—it is all part of your self-growth process.

Yoga Download has some amazing guided meditation and yoga practices that you can access right at home. Learn more yere!

4. Practice Self-care

People are finding that CBD oil is helpful in calming the mind. CBDfx is a trusted maker of CBD for both animals and people. There are tinctures, creams, yummy gummies, bath bombs, and more. Made from all-natural hemp seed with non-toxic ingredients, it is a great option that can help you relax both mind and body.

There are many other ways to practice self-care! Read one of our other articles to get some inspiration:

wooden blocks with arrows pointing up

5. Think of Others

Sometimes the easiest way to grow is to take ourselves out of the equation.  Sign up to volunteer or join an organization that interests you.  This surrounds you with like-minded people that are passionate about the things you are.

The personal growth journey is often not a straight line, there are plenty of humps and curves that come along the way.  Sometimes those little detours are helpful and open up a new road that you would have never seen without them, so make sure you are open to others.

6. Spend time with Loved Ones

Take the time to spend with friends and family (safely!), whether it be cooking dinner, drinks, or a simple phone call. It is important for our mental health to connect with other people. Surrounding yourself with people who love and support you at any time is a good idea.

Personal growth is a long journey and you do not have to do it alone.  Spending time with other people with possible similar values can even push you further. Having open and honest communication will aid you as you learn and grow.


We hope these suggestions to help you focus on personal growth are helpful! If you are interested in pushing yourself further on your journey, read these articles:

Remember that you are not in this alone. Lean on your network to guide and encourage you as you work to become a better you!

6 Tips To Focus On Personal Growth


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