Easy Ways to Conquer College Stress

College brings on a fluctuation of emotions. You’re excited for this big adventure and for most it is the first time away from your parents. You’re nervous about the new environment and meeting new people. And you’re stressed about what will be asked of you and trying to get it all done without going mad. However, there are so many ways to keep your cool when preparing for school (ha that rhymed so you know it’s true). As someone who is going into her second year of graduate school, I can relate to the stress but also have found some ways to ease it. So here are a few easy ways to conquer college stress.

Amazon Prime Student

amazon snip to conquer college stress

Amazon is one of the best things to happen to the world. Period. Being able to order pretty much anything you need and having that trust that you can rely on them to actually deliver is so satisfying. And what is even better is their Amazon Prime Student. Honestly, this would be the first step I recommend taking in order to ensure a stress-free back to school experience. Even if your parents have a Prime account, I would suggest getting your own Amazon Prime Student account so that you are in control of it and helping to further take control of your life.

What many fail to realize is that you can also order textbooks on Amazon and tick off items on your back to school checklist. As someone that has been in the world of higher education for the past 5 years, I can rave about the benefits of owning an Amazon Prime Student account until I’m blue in the face. This is one of the best gifts a parent could give to their child going off to school and truly is a gift that keeps on giving to the college student. To sign up now, you would be given a six-month period of not having to pay for the account and simply reaping the benefits.

Keep a Schedule

keeping schedule to conquer college stress

If you are like me, the thing that stresses me out the most is knowing that I have so much to do but not seeing it laid out in front of me. No matter what, when in college, you will have unlimited amounts of things that you have due, have to attend, etc. so you will be constantly running around. Keep a schedule for yourself! I honestly have 3 calendars: one big one on my wall at home, one small one to keep in my purse, and one broken up by weeks that show me what has to be done for that week. Having something like this will keep you so organized and stress-free. I tend to order all of my schedulers from Amazon (told you it’s amazing). Versus hopping from store to store, I just poke around on there and find the one I love and is most useful for me.

Schedule “You” Time

When talking about scheduling, though, be sure to still schedule some time for you. While yes, it is important to have all of your educational affairs in order, it is just as important to take care of you. So this can be a whole host of things. Make time for your favorite hobby. Pick up yoga (which is good for relaxation and exercise). Do something that gives your mind some down time and also keeps you happy. Something else that is great about having the Amazon Prime Student account (told you I was obsessed) is that you can use it to stream unlimited amounts of movies and TV shows through Prime Video. You can also store your photos securely with Prime Photos and access them from anywhere.

Amazon Prime Video for college stress
amazon prime photos for college stress












Another pastime that I really enjoy is redecorating my apartment. Even in my downtime, I have to feel like I was productive and got something done. So repainting my room, moving around furniture, or reorganizing my stuff is so therapeutic and productive. You know where you can get most of the stuff to redecorate your space? Yup. Amazon. They just offer so many exclusive deals and promotions for students on things you love, need, and want which saves you time, money and hassle. I’m a huge fan of saving all of those in my life.

Join Organizations

hanging ou with friends to relieve college stress

While joining an organization can be the cause of some college stress, it is also a stress reliever. You joined that group for a reason. For some reason, they were beneficial to your future or personal interest. This means that you are also a part of a group of like-minded people in some way. This means that they probably get stressed just like you and can help cope. For me, this was my leadership team. It seemed that we were always in sync on when we were having a good time and when we were stressing hard. I don’t know about you but stressing with someone else tends to make the stress disappear because you can both either find some humor in the situation or find a way to tackle it by seeing it from another point of view.

So yeah, college stress can be extreme. But it is so nice to know that there are ways you can conquer that stress and enjoy your college years. College is the time to really take it all in and enjoy life. You are unable to do that if you are stressing every moment. It can be one of the best times of your life.

Have you dealt with college stress? What amazing ways to find to conquer it? Share them below in the comments section!


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Here are some easy ways to conquer college stress! @Amazon #PrimeStudent #CG


  • Tavinia Tucker

    I am a graduate student in the Multicultural Woman’s and Gender Studies Department at Texas Woman’s University. I enjoy reading, traveling and binge watching Netflix.

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