Finding The Courage To Make A Change In Your Career
This post is sponsored by Forté Foundation. All opinions are 100% my own!
When I started Miss Millennia Magazine in 2011 I dreamed of doing it full-time. I put in a lot of time on my blog before and after my 9-5 workday, knowing that in the end, it would all pay off. And in 2014 I finally had an opportunity to fulfill my long awaited dream.
So I took the leap, and started working on my blog from home full-time with the thought that I would never work for anyone else again.
But oh how plans change…
Working from home meant I was finally able to shape my days the way I wanted. I could work as early or I could work late. But most importantly, I believed in what I was doing. After a couple months, however, I found myself feeling surprisingly discontent.
I soon realized there were benefits to a day job that I’d never realized before. Working with other people meant opportunities for things like mentorship, encouragement, and the challenge of having someone else push me to be my very best. I didn’t have that working from home—and I found myself becoming less productive and less interested in my day-to-day endeavors.
I was 8 months into my full-time blogging stride when I realized that it was time for me to make another big change in my career. I was ready to work for another company outside of my blog.
I got a full-time job and let my blog become my side-hustle once again. While it was initially challenging, I figured out how to manage my workload by training my virtual assistants to do many of the tasks I was doing every day. I also let my contributing writers take on more projects.
After a couple of weeks of going over my tasks for my blog and delegating the not so important ones I started working a full-time job. After only a few months at my new job, I realized something. I was not only getting the benefits I mentioned above such as mentorship and encouragement, but I learned new skills that I later applied to my blog as well.
Why making bold choices pay off
When I first made this choice I was afraid to say it out loud: It felt like telling my peers I’d failed at blogging. But after much consideration, I realized that the challenge of a new career outside of Miss Millennia Magazine was what I needed to become the very best version of myself. And ultimately, that is what I am always striving for.
This is why I believe making bold choices in one’s career pays off big time, whether that be deciding to start a business, going back to school to get an MBA, or simply going down a different career path in its entirety. There is so much to learn. And we all have the ability to do more. There is also a lot of help when starting a new career like a staffing agency, NYC or one near your hometown.
When we push ourselves to our limits, we can make endless contributions to society, inspire others around us, and live our happiest lives knowing that we will never live in a time where we wondered “What if?”
Why you should consider making a bold choice
Since deciding to work again, I look back on where my life was only a year ago and am impressed with how much I have learned in such a short window of time.
This is why I say now is the time to make bold choices in your career. No matter how much you may love your current company or your co-workers, taking the next step is a great way to build new skills, indulge your curiosity, stave off boredom and keep you on your toes.
One great way to learn and grow is by going to business school.
I’ve often mentioned that after my tumultuous time in college, while trying to find a career in a field that I no longer cared for, (read more about this here) I would’ve done things differently if I had the chance.
Me hosting a fashion show in college
I studied apparel merchandising in college and still feel like fashion is a passion for me. But my issue then was that it was not my only passion. Looking back, I would’ve done things a little differently.
I would’ve attended a technical school or majored in something more practical.
And that’s why I’ve often considered getting my MBA. I learned so many business skills while blogging and in my various jobs. And getting my MBA is a great way to fill in the gaps with anything I may not have learned while working. I would develop even more skills and be able to apply this knowledge not only to my blog but to my career overall.
When I heard about the Forté Foundation, I was elated to be able to share more about their cause and how their #ForteCareerTakeoff campaign could help so many women make bold choices in their career for the better.
What the Forté Foundation Does for Women’s Careers
The Forté Foundation is an action-oriented non-profit, led and funded by a consortium of 120 top schools and multinational corporations that are passionate about advancing women in business.
I wish I’d known about Forté earlier! There were so many times where I felt alone in my struggle to go from one big career move to the next and to make sense of all of my choices. I could’ve used a mentor, some guidance, and a better sense of the educational options that were open to me.
I love that Forté provides programming to women at all career stages with a curriculum designed to overcome myths and misperceptions about business careers. They support women throughout the MBA process and showcase the endless career options available in business. They also help women advance in business by providing workshops, networking, and inspirational role models.
It even talks about the top business schools and leading companies to work for! If I had a resource like this when I first graduated, I could see myself continuing down a much clearer path.
If you’ve considered going back to school, why not consider taking the GMAT (a test to take in order to qualify for an MBA program)? Having an MBA means having more versatility in whatever business career you decide to pursue. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of an MBA, I recommend this post: Why an MBA? You can learn more about the Forté Foundation and their #ForteCareerTakeoff here.
Summing it up
There are so many potential careers out there. But no matter what you do, be sure to seek out resources and support—you’ll be more successful in a shorter period of time. If there are resources, use them (especially if they are free!). If there are professional groups, join them. If there are people willing to share their story about how they did what you are trying to accomplish by all means listen to them!
Starting any project without first searching for guidance is an easy mistake to make (believe me, I’ve been there). And sometimes finding that courage to make a big move is as simple as finding people and or organizations who can give you a lift, share their expertise, and save you the time and anguish of having to figure out a complicated path alone.
Finally, it is important to recognize that successful people didn’t do it alone. They’ve had guidance, encouragement, mentors, and resources to help them get to where they are. So use this knowledge to make your big move too! Find your circle and start listening. The steps you need to take may not already be written. But that does not mean you cannot benefit from a helping hand.