Cheap and Easy Ways to Cheer Yourself up

Cheap and Easy Ways to Cheer Yourself up

It is absolutely normal for our emotions to go in peaks and troughs. To be happy constantly would be unrealistic. Likewise, it would be unhealthy to feel low all the time too. If things are getting a bit too much for you at the moment, have a read of our cheap and easy ways to help cheer yourself up.


Cheap and Easy Ways to Cheer Yourself up

Dancing, as with other forms of exercise, releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Make yourself a ‘feel good’ playlist on Spotify or dig out your old CDs. Turn up the volume and have a little boogie around your house to some favorite tunes. Whether you do that while in the kitchen cooking your evening meal or while you’re doing the ironing, the impact is the same regardless. If you have a little extra cash to spare, consider getting yourself to a Zumba class. It’s a fantastic form of exercise and can help you make new friends too!


Whatever kind of films you’re into, you’re bound to find something to watch via a streaming service. Check out Film Oracle to see the most highly rated movies available on Netflix. Comedies are a go-to for most people. The whole experience of going to the cinema can add to the fun. Even if you’re unable to afford it, recreate it by throwing some popcorn in the microwave and inviting girlfriends over to join you. So, whether it’s Adam Sandler or Will Ferrell, you’re bound to find someone funny to perk you up! 


Cheap and Easy Ways to Cheer Yourself up

Spending time with friends is a great option. Reminiscing about school days by flicking through photo albums can really help put a smile on your face. Even if you’re unable to physically be together, chatting in a WhatsApp group can still help. It’s so simple to share photos that way! In times of need, we ought to be able to rely on our pals, so reach out.


Food can be a great pick me up! Not just eating it, but preparing it too. So, why not reach out for your favorite recipe book? Have a flick through and choose a recipe you like the sound of. Whether it’s an extravagant French chicken dish or a gooey chocolate pudding, savor the moment. Call a friend and ask them to pop over and sample your goodies. Alternatively, take some over to a neighbor as a surprise treat. 

Random Acts of Kindness

Doing stuff for others is super for two main reasons. Firstly, it benefits someone else. Secondly, it can make you feel better about yourself. Popping over to visit an elderly or disabled neighbor and ask if there are any jobs you can help them with would be a good start. Alternatively, find out if there are any local charities in need of volunteers. It may be that you can only help out as and when you have free time, but they will be grateful for any help. Alternatively, sort out some of your old books, toys, CDs, etc. Gift them to local hospices or refuges. 

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If things are getting a bit too much for you at the moment, have a read of our cheap and easy ways to help cheer yourself up.



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