Charm #LikeaGirl: Interview with Sabina Leybold

“I find that I’m easily charmed by things in life—people, places, experiences, everything. I use my blog as a place to share the incredible things that captivate me. ” – Sabina Leybold

If you’re a fan of short stories, intriguing philosophical thoughts, and pictures of travel, then Sabina Leybold’s blog, Victim to Charm is just for you. Step right into the whimsical world and words of Sabina. Her anecdotes and truly charming images from her travels will bewitch you. I was lucky enough to catch some words with this lovely lady for the #LikeaGirl Interview series.

victim to charm blog interview sign

Miss Millennia Magazine: Tell me a little about yourself!

Sabina Leybold: I’m a college student, writer, blogger, photographer, Thai food lover, traveler, and social justice warrior.

M3: Why did you start your blog Victim to Charm?

SB: In high school, my main creative outlet was vlogging (video blogging), but I soon found myself

victim to charm ithaca avenue

reading blogs and finding that some of my video topic ideas would really work better as written pieces. In January 2014, a close friend told me she wanted to start blogging, and we both created our sites that night.

M3: What exactly is a “Victim to Charm”?

SB: The title actually comes from a song of the same name. I find that I’m easily charmed by things in life—people, places, experiences, everything. I use my blog as a place to share the incredible things that captivate me.

M3: What has been your favorite moment with blogging?

SB: I love using my web space to introduce people to new perspectives, especially for social justice. I’m currently part of a collaborative project called Feminist Friday, where different bloggers take turns discussing issues related to women in society. My favorite moment happened earlier this year when one of my project partners suggested turning those posts into an e-book. I’m now a published author in an awesome anthology.

M3: What has been your inspiration?

victim to Charm blog

SB: Everything I come across inspires me. Other bloggers, current events, life happenings, media…the list goes on. I can’t choose just one inspiration when it comes from so many sources.

M3: What has been your biggest struggle?

SB: My biggest struggle is time. As much time and energy as I spend blogging, it’s still just a hobby, which means that school and work must come first. My blog and my friends compete for my free time, and it can be tough to manage my priorities and not neglect either the people in my life or the projects I’m invested in.

M3: Any tips for millennials who want to go into blogging?

SB: Since starting my blog, I’ve had a handful of friends be inspired to start their own. I always encourage them to try it out, because blogging is a wonderful creative outlet and can even make you a more marketable candidate for future jobs (especially in communications, of course, but what employer doesn’t want a dedicated person with writing skills?). That said, recognize that blogging is a lot of work. It’s not just writing; it’s site design, image creation, social media management, collaboration, and interaction. There’s a steep learning curve that people don’t realize from the get-go.

M3: Top advice for a millennial woman?

SB: Network. I used to hate the idea of networking—it seemed artificial and sleazy to me—but I’ve learned so many things about myself and the world by talking to people about their jobs, their backgrounds, and their life lessons. People are truly willing to help you if you ask for what you want and need.

sabina from victim to charm blog
Learn more about Sabina  at her website, Victim to Charm, and follow her on Instagram @victimtocharm, Twitter @victimtocharm, and like her page on Facebook.
Know anyone that you think is a great #LikeaGirl candidate? Leave a comment below or email me at
Charm #LikeaGirl: Interview with Sabina Leybold


  • Michele Sudia

    After years of having my nose stuck in a book, I’ve made it my mission to attempt to have as many experiences as possible. From music festivals to running around in the woods, I really try to have that spontaneous moment. Hey that’s what your 20’s are for, right? Although I’m still figuring out what exactly what I want to do in life, I know it will be something with books. For now, I’ll go where the wind blows.

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