Author: Lexi Bollis

Lead Editor of Miss Millennia Magazine. Bachelor's in English, Creative Writing from Kenyon College. Teach for America Alumna. Nonprofit professional. Lover of cats and reading. Actively pursuing equity and justice for all.
How To Join The #SpeakBeautiful Squad

How To Join The #SpeakBeautiful Squad

**This blog post is part of a paid Megan Media and Dove blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that…

what you need to know about STIs

Everything You Need to Know About STIs

The state of sex education in the United States (and many other places around the world) is bad. Many schools have abstinence-only education policies, thereby denying sharing vital information with…

Networking for Introverts

Networking for Introverts

You’ve heard it before: when it comes to landing a job and developing your career, networking is everything. Personal connections will accelerate your professional development in a way that e-mails…