Author: Hannah Anain

5 Ways to Give Back to Your Community

Community. Traditionally, this term refers to a group whose members reside in a specific area and share certain characteristics. To some, this is the place where they grew up, the town, the school, or the ballet studio. For others,…

Top Paying Jobs for Those Without a Degree

Top Paying Jobs for Those Without a Degree

Today’s teens hear the same thing over, and over, and over again. Success, especially financial success, is directly related to where they go and how they do in college. So, what…

5 Reasons Why You Need Yoga in Your Life

5 Reasons Why You Need Yoga in Your Life

This post was made possible by Blogger Babes and contains affiliate links. I received a complimentary subscription of the Yoga Download service in exchange for my honest review. Thoughts are…

Reevaluating Your Life Goals in Your 20s

Reevaluating Your Life Goals in Your 20s

Goal [gohl]: Noun. The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end. The terminal point in a race. An area, basket, cage, or other object or structure toward…