7 Skincare Tips: Look Flawless And Nourished This Summer!

Here comes summer! Many women like sunny and warm breezes, but this season brings a lot more than that. Summers happily invite scorching heat, humidity, and pollution, all of which wipe of the natural glow and nourishment from your skin and leave it dry and parched. It is very important for you to regain the moisture in the body which was sapped by the hot sun.

There are several ways with which you can get optimal nutritious skin, such as by following a healthy diet. Eating summer foods can not only hydrate but also nourish your skin from inside out. Healthy skin looks beautiful, and it truly boosts your health and confidence. A happy face speaks a thousand words!

skincare tips

Let’s have a look on the following easy and healthy tips for your summer skincare.

1. Rip off all dead skin cells

Every skincare starts with exfoliating. Usually, because of intense heat, our skin cells get shed every minute from our body. This makes your skin very dull and dry. And after using too many lotions, you will not be able to get the glowing skin if you are getting rid of the dead skin cells. For this, you have to exfoliate your skin to get it smoother. The best way to do that is to use milk and honey-rich body scrub while taking a bath. Don’t forget to scrub your neck. Do this two to three times for every week and get beautiful skin.

2. Feed your skin

As we feed your body to stay healthy, it is also important to feed your skin to make it healthy and nourished. You can use some good moisturizers or body lotions for avoiding the dryness and dullness in your skin. Summer lotions are thinner and lighter than the winter body lotions. Fast absorbing skins are good ones and can be preferred. Lotions rich in aloe vera, milk and honey can be great options for summers.

skincare tips

3. Mild make up for summers

Prefer to go for a minimal amount of makeup on your face. In summers, it is good to a thin layer of makeup, being natural will look good. If you are willing to go for a foundation, then make sure you are applying face powder after applying it. Try to avoid foundation and grab BB creams. These creams are mixed with SPF and power to avoid patches. Do not forget to pamper your lips as they are extremely sensitive. Buy lip balm with SPF of 15 to avoid your lips from UV rays.

4. Never ditch sunscreens

To avoid damage skin, keep a sunscreen bottle always in your makeup kit. Most of the people avoid sunscreens as they are so sticky or oily. To avoid this problem, you can also mix few drops of sunscreen lotion with your BB cream and then apply it. You can go for a sunscreen that has UVA and UVB products with SPF of 30 and 70. Keep reapplying it in 2 hours if you are in the sun to protect your skin from damage.

5. Get hydrated

Summers suck up all your body hydration levels! So, do not let your body dehydrated in sunny days. Keep drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water every day. Water gives your skin the inner strength and moisture. Eat fruits that contain a major proportion of water. Fruits like watermelon can be eaten in summers. Cucumber is also great source of water.

skincare tips

6. Save collagen

Collagen is an essential to keep the skin firm and smooth. Many of us use skincare creams to lift up the amount of collagen in the skin. That is why most of the skincare products promise the beautiful and firm skin. Unfortunately, summery warm breeze damages the collagen in the skin which makes you look aged. You can buy some effective skin care products to save this most natural skincare ingredient to look flawless.

7. Try some home remedies

Many people do not like tanned skin in summers. If you are one of them, then you can remove tanning by using some easy home remedies. One of the most effective and easy home remedies is to prepare a lemon and aloe vera face pack. Lemon is a natural antioxidant and has rich cosmetic and medicinal benefits. Plus, it is a great source of Vitamin C. Aloe Vera has the best antiseptic properties that can kill all kind of bacteria in the skin. This home remedy is the safest and natural way to get clear and beautiful skin for summers.


In summers, you have to take an extra care of your skin. A healthy skin keeps your mind and soul healthy! Beautiful skin is more like a confident booster for anyone. The above skincare tips are followed by many famous celebrities like Rihanna, Carolyn Marie, etc. So, this summer, pamper and nourish your skin more to look and feel flawless. Stay beautiful! Keep smiling!


Here comes summer! It is very important for you to regain the moisture in the body which was sapped by hot sun. Here are 7 skincare tips for this summer.








  • Angelo Parker

    An aspiring entrepreneur; he always has an insatiate hunger for knowledge and food. He loves to paint emotions on paper with his pen; seen in his book Shades of Mirror. Sweets are what seduces him and his poetry is what introduces him.

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