7 Important Life Lessons You Can Learn From Your Cat #CatTeaPotty
Owning a pet has its rewards. Pets can help keep stress levels low, help around the house (protection or keeping critters out) and are just so much fun. While I do personally own two cats, I would not consider myself a cat person exclusively, since I love dogs too. But one bonus I think you can expect from your pets is that they can be great teachers. I want to talk about a few very real lessons you can learn from your cat.
This post is sponsored by WeRuVa® and the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer NetworkTM. I am being compensated to help create awareness about the launch of WeRuVa’s new It’s a Tea Potty Cat Litter but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. WeRuVa is not responsible for the content of this article.
Lesson 1: If You Want Something You Have to Speak Up
This is witnessed by my cat Katniss in the video here. Although she had only been on the patio for a whole 5 minutes, she was already begging to go back in the house. While I was mostly annoyed with her during this moment, I could not help but take in the fact that there is an important lesson to learn from your cat here. I did indeed let her in the house, so she got what she wanted. If we want to get what we want in life, we have to be willing to ask for it unapologetically. When you ask for it, you are much more likely to get it, than rather wait for someone to read your mind.
Lesson 2: Sometimes You Have to Get a Little Dirty
There is a spot in my yard that our cats love to go roll in the dirt. While at first glance, it seems pretty gross; I think this is something I think we forget as we get older and get used to making an effort to stay clean. Not only is getting a little dirty necessary, but it can be fun! Do some gardening, run a mud 5k, or roll up your sleeves in really get some cleaning done in the house. What I’ve found is that getting dirty can even be therapeutic. Everything is not perfectly neat and clean, and there is a bit of relief when you let go of the convention of staying clean.
Lesson 3: Be Natural When You Can
This is a new one for my cats, but it’s an important one. Sometimes the natural way is just better. Not just for the earth, but for our bodies. My cats have recently began using WeRuVa® Cat litter a sustainable Cat Litter made of Hinoki Wood & Green Tea. What I love about this litter is that it is natural and smells great and is a much healthier choice for my cats. Clay litter expands once moist, and when you cats digest litter (which they often do after leaving the litter box and cleaning themselves), that litter still expands inside of them. Recent news to me is that clay litter is also linked to cancer in kitties and thus an alternative is needed. And that is where WeRuVa cat litter comes into play. The HinokiWood and Green Tea not only suppress bacteria and odor naturally but also suppresses the growth of mold. I mentioned the cat litter is also sustainable since they use Hinoki wood which is salvaged by-product of other industries such as the piano and construction industries. They also make sure to plant a tree for every tree used.
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Lesson 4: Don’t underestimate the power of good Sleep
If you asked a cat to list all of its priorities between playing, eating, pooping, and sleeping. I guarantee sleep would be #1. Cats sleep more than anything else and it shows that this is a high priority for them. Sleep for me… not so much. I do value sleep don;t get me wrong. But when you’re busy, there does not seem to be enough time in the day. So I sacrifice sleep to get more things done. What is interesting though is that when I am really going long periods of time without adequate sleep, my immune systems seems to pay for it and I get sick. This happened to me in January and I had a cold for almost an entire month. One Saturday afternoon I decided I would nap since I could not fight the cold anymore. And when I woke up, I already started to feel better. I could not believe that al it took to be rid of my month long cold was rest. The cats had it right all along.
Lesson 5: Eat your greens
Katniss loves eating grass out in the yard. It is one of the first things she does, almost as if she is craving something green. I already talked about the incredible benefits veggies have on your body in the How to Eat Healthier in Your 20’s article, and I want to reiterate a little of that here. The benefits of eat fruits and veggies are so many I cannot even begin to name them all here. They help your skin, hair and nails, keep you slim, aid in preventing cancer, the list goes on and on. You are an adult now, you should eat your veggies.
Lesson 6: Spend time Outdoors
The cats love playing in the backyard, and I can completely understand why. The sun feels good on your skin, the air feels nice and its pretty soothing to just take in flowers and other greenery around you. Since I am a workaholic, I sometimes forget how nice it is just to be outdoors until I too step into the yard. You can expect tog et a good dose of vitamin D from the sun and enough fresh air to breathe deeply. Spending a little time outside can do wonders.
Lesson 7: Stay Curious
One thing we certainly do not forget about as we get older is our sense of curiosity. Cats are so good at this! And have no problem investigating a scene if they notice something new in a room. We too, should have that same curiosity and seek answers to our burning questions. Anything that was ever created came from someone who had a sense of curiosity that stayed ignited. Take a lesson from your cat and stay curious.
Cats are great in that they keep us calm and are the reasons there are so many awesome videos on YouTube. But they can also be great teachers as well. Make an effort to learn from your cat and keep your child-like instincts preserved so that they can continue to help you grow and have a little fun.
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This post is sponsored by Weruva and the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network. I am being compensated for helping create awareness around Weruva’s brand new natural cat litter, but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. Weruva is not responsible for the content of this article.