Myths and Truths about Moisturizers Exposed

Moisturizers are not created equally. Sorry to burst the bubble. There are some that are far superior to others. Others can give you the appearance of soft skin, but they are not right for all skin types. This is why you see so many creams in the beauty aisles. It’s so easy to choose the latest offers, but this doesn’t mean that you are maximising your beauty potential. After all, different skin types need different moisturizers. Many of us are keen to use moisturizer in our daily regimen. But, are we doing our skin more harm than good? Let’s expose the myths and truths about moisturizers so you can make an informed decision. Your skin deserves the best. 

Myth: All Lotions Are the Same.

Wrong! This is not the case. Many people choose a moisturizer based on price. If you are on a budget, this makes sound financial sense. But, be sure to choose a moisturizer that suits your skin tone and type. Some creams contain more oil and fatty acids; others can leave your skin feeling dry if they use something that isn’t packed with oils. So, make sure that you choose a lotion that suits you. For dry skin, fatty acids and thicker creams are perfect. For oily complexions, opt for a product that is oil free. In the winter, choose more impenetrable moisturizer to combat dry skin. However, in the summer you need to switch to a whipped lotion so that your face doesn’t look oily. Excess oil on your face can cause breakouts. This is something that we all want to avoid.

naked woman applying moisturizer
Rotterdam Blues

Truth: Your Need Different Lotions for Different Body Parts

 Yes, this is true, not just a clever marketing ploy. It’s important that use different moisturizer on different areas. Never use a heavily perfumed product on your face. The skin on your face is delicate and needs a softer product. Revitol’s cream for rosacea is the ultimate facial product as it minimises breakouts and redness. Heavily scented lotions are fine for your upper body and legs. Heel cream is essential for feet, but not as usual on hands. After all, heels are prone to cracks. So, you need a thicker cream with a scrub included in it to banish cracked heels. Using this kind of tough cream on your hands, however, can leave them sore and chapped.

Myth: Your Skin is Dependent on Moisturizer

Your skin produces its own oils. But, it doesn’t become dependent on moisturizer. Of course, if your skin is particularly dry, it may be wise to look into why this is the case. Think about your diet, what you drink, and the weather before slathering on lotions and potions.  This can be an excellent way of clearing up your skin. But, do be sure to slather on some moisturizer too. This is imperative in the cold, biting winter months. Do make sure that you are glugging on water too. Water is necessary to keeping your skin beautiful.


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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