5 Killer Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You

Something is up if your partner starts snapping at you or saying nasty things to you.

#1 You annoy him

Communication is at the heart of any relationship. You need to question if you spend more time arguing than talking.

# 2 You don’t talk anymore

If he used to be reliable but has started to cancel on you all the time, he is up to something.

#3 He cancels on you all the time

If your once fashion-blind man has started to invest in a brand-new wardrobe, he is trying to impress someone.

#4 He has changed his appearance

On his laptop, bring up his history by pressing “ctrl” and “h.” That way, you can see what he is up to. If his account is blank, it means he has deleted it.

#5 He deletes his internet history

7 Killer Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You