Period Problems: How to Know What’s “Normal” and What’s Not

If you are in a romantic and sexual relationship with someone who has periods, you need to understand the way their body works.

First: Why Does This Matter?

Menstruation typically operates on a 25-30 day cycle, though it can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35.

The Basics of a Period

Sometimes, your period will come in exactly 28 days; the next time is 23 days later, and then it takes 30 days.

Irregular Periods Are OK

If you want to be more attentive to your cycle, I highly recommend getting the Period Tracker: Menstruation Journal.

How to Track Your Cycle

Some people bleed more during their period than others, and that’s completely normal.

Heavy Flow

Period Problems: How to Know What’s “Normal” and What’s Not