3 Tips To Come Out On Top After Being The Office Underdog
Despite accounting for 35% of the US labor force (and thus making up the largest existing-working generation), millennials often face unique and limiting workplace challenges. A lack of respect and general misunderstandings from established employees who often value experience over education can undoubtedly be impossible hurdles to work around.
And it’s not unusual for the many millennials attempting to do just that to find themselves taking on an underdog role they never envisioned. But luckily, the ‘underdog mindset’ might not need to be the weakness you’re currently viewing it as.
There are countless reasons why even millennial underdogs are in a unique position to turn things around and come out on top. Here, we’re going to consider just a few of them.
#1: Follow In The Footsteps Of The Greats
If you look at any critical story in history (David and Goliath, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre), you’ll realize that they all have one thing in common – the underdog always wins.
After all, their place at the bottom gives them the ideal opportunity to see things as they are and approach situations with humility and gentle handling.
In the same way, a millennial office worker who struggles to gain the most significant projects will always have more time to develop their skills, focus on ideas, and ultimately rise to take office by storm.
#2: The Reality Of Having Nothing To Lose
High-end execs with a big pay packet and a seat at the top will generally tow any company line.
And who can blame them?
By comparison, underdogs can far better step beyond what’s ‘expected.’ Usually without paying a high price for doing so.
Let’s say that you don’t like something you see in the office or have an accident, and your worker’s comp claim is denied. If you’re already at the bottom, you’re less likely to roll over and let these injustices lie.
This can then lead to significant changes in operations that would never be possible otherwise, which can create a better workplace for you and future generations.
#3: Set Your Expectations
Everyone judges the highest-performing employees in a workplace based on what they’ve done before, which can lead to escalating pressure, high stress, and more general career-based satisfaction. By comparison, an underdog without a notable profile or expectations is in a far better position to set expectations.
Forget constantly pushing to meet that performance bar. This enables you to have fun, approach each project confidently, and produce far better results. Then you can establish yourself as a leader in your field. Do that often enough, and you might even find that you’re the underdog no more!
Millennials might face countless battles when first joining an established workforce. But we think it’s past time you started realizing the true strength of your position as the underdog!