5 Reasons Why You Need To Be An Avid Reader

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5 Reasons Why You Need to Be an Avid Reader

I absolutely LOVE to read! I am what my family calls a “professional student” because I have been going to school non-stop all my life. But I can’t help it! I just love to read. However, just because I’m in school doesn’t mean I give up on reading. You do not need to be in school to fall in love with reading. There are so many perks that come with you being a book lover! Here are five excellent reasons why you need to be an avid reader.

I received the products mentioned in this post for free from Book of the Month.

1. Read Anytime, Anywhere

person reading an ebook

So for those that say, “Oh I can’t read that much because I’m always on the go,” you are going to have to find another excuse. There are these beautiful things called audiobooks!

The only time I have to read for fun is when I’m on the road, so I just pop on an audiobook and listen to an amazing story. There are many apps that sell audiobooks, such as Audible, so you can listen through your phone wherever you are. Sign up with Audible to get started!

Ebooks are another way to read while on the go. If you don’t like to purchase physical books, you can always download them digitally. If you have any type of smart device, your book can be delivered right at your fingertips. So no matter your needs, there is always a way to get your books to you and get to reading! You can download ebooks from Amazon Prime and read them any time, anywhere.

2. Expand Your Mind

Books are fantastic because they help to expand your mind. Reading helps you to travel the world, understand different cultures, and practice empathy. This is especially true with fictional books because you can interpret them so differently and find hidden themes.

One book can touch your soul in a way no other thing can. Once you’ve finished a book, you feel as though you have gained a new set of friends and can interact with people differently. I have been able to connect to some less appealing characters after listening to a story about unappealing characters. You learn that everyone is complex, that everything deserves love, and that a person can live forever through a story. Being an avid reader will only do wonders for you!

3. Become the Intellectual Friend

person reading book with red cover

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You know that image of a person in a lovely evening blazer, with a brandy in one hand and a book in the other? That person who seems to have their life together because they can sip brandy and read a book? This is the kind of intellectual I’m talking about.

It has always been my goal to be the intellectual one amongst my friends. I want to be the wise one they can come to with deep questions. Do you know from where I get that intellect? Books. Yes, some of it has come from me being in school, but when you think about it, school is just a person telling you to read a bunch of books.

If you’re not in school, you’re just cutting out the middle man. You can be the one that all your friends come to for advice and book suggestions. Plus, being intellectual is so sexy. Others will be attracted to you, and you’ll get a good confidence boost. Nothing is hotter than a big brain.

4. Vacation From Stress

Remember how I said before that you could travel through books? Well, there’s no better way to de-stress than to take a vacation in your own home!

I know going away sounds better; however, buying a book is way more budget-friendly than buying a plane ticket. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the time or money to get away every time I’m stressed. So instead, I have my book as my private getaway.

A good story can transport you to any time or place. One minute I could be sitting in the library surrounded by homework, and the next I’m falling madly in love with a vampire (#TeamEdward). It’s amazing the places you go when reading or listening to a book. I actually love listening to audiobooks while traveling because it makes the trip go by so much faster. Instead of being stuck in traffic, I’m solving a murder mystery on a cruise.

So if you are one to stress constantly, there is no better way to unwind (on the cheap!) than by being an avid reader.

5. Book of the Month Club

Book of the Month Club

If you never know which book is right for you, there is a fantastic company called Book of the Month! They are a subscription box book club dedicated to helping avid readers find great new fiction and non-fiction titles.

Book of the Month works hard to bring their members books that are genuinely worth reading—well-written, immersive stories that will transport you, give you thrills, and tug at your heartstrings—and they’ve been championing such literary diamonds for over 90 years.

How does it work?

Each month their panel of Judges selects five great new books. Selections are announced on the first of the month, and members can choose which book they would like to receive. All plans include one hardcover book of your choice each month and free shipping. Members can also add up to two books to their monthly box for $9.99 each.  Membership plans start at $11.99/month.

This is what I love most about them that they give me five options, and I can choose from that. There are so many great books out there that I will probably never hear of. However, thanks to Book of the Month, I am given five amazing options each month. After choosing my books, they were mailed to me along with a super cute tote and a note!

Book of the Month Club

I only listed a few reasons why you should be an avid reader, but there are so many more. I would definitely suggest you go and sign up with Book of the Month so you can choose from the five best books each month.

Go forth and read my friends!

If you want some #inspo for what book to pick up next, check out these lists:

I received the products mentioned in this post for free from Book of the Month.

5 Reasons Why You Need to Be an Avid Reader

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