5 Adult Things That Will Make You Feel Like a Kid Again
Thanks, Kaliber global Toys for allowing me to try your Free Loop Looping Flight Quad Copter. I had a blast, and the opinions in this article are all mine.
There are a lot of cool things that come along with being an adult. You definitely get more freedom than you did when you were a teenager and you get to have some cool stuff like a car, house, and job. Unfortunately, there are many responsibilities you inherit along with adulthood which can make any normal day feel stressful. This is why I think it is good to sometimes do activities that make you feel like a kid again because you had no stress then. I am a kid at heart myself and will still go and see any Disney movie and theaters, so believe me when I say I understand the importance of keeping that relationship with your inner child strong. So I find ways to have fun, just like when I was a kid! I find that doing this keeps my creative juices flowing and the stress at bay. Check out my list of adult things that will make you feel like a kid again.
1. Mud Runs
One good way to make yourself feel like a kid again is to play in the mud and there is something to getting all dirty and running an obstacle course. There are so many mud runs out there and I find this activity becoming more and more popular. I have done 2 different mud runs in my life and I always end up filthy with scraped elbows and knees, but it is a ton of fun! If you are looking for a fun way to expel some extra energy, these 5ks are the way to go.
2. Watching the Awesomes
If you love SNL as I do and you also happen to be a fan for animation, the Awesome is for you. This Hulu original is definitely not for kids, and I have to say it has made me literally LOL many times. The best part about the show is that it is about superheroes which I am sure will bring you back to being a kid until you hear the adult humor. This is a funny and light-hearted show that is sure to take your mind off a hard day of work.
3. Play with a Quadrocopter
What better way to feel like a kid again than by playing with an awesome toy? I recently had the opportunity to try the Free Loop Looping Flight Quad Copter for free, and this thing is so cool! Unlike other quadcopters, this one can do stunts in the air and it flies upside down! I have to admit that the controller does take a little practice to fly it, but once you learn this thing is awesome! It is not very big and the price is actually pretty affordable-about $60 on Amazon. If you plan on getting a drone helicopter, which can be quite pricey, this may be a good one to start with.
4. Playing Board Games
This one is HUGE in my household. I was raised to be pretty competitive along with my sisters, and I am my most ruthless when it comes to board games. There are so many reasons I love board games. 1: I’m an introvert and this is how I like to be social. 2: I like to talk shit 3: This brings me back to when I lived with all of my sisters and we played board games a LOT. If you want to feel like a kid again, just pull out the Monopoly board and get to having fun!
5. Singing Karaoke
Singing karaoke is one of the scariest things ever! But it is so fun. Karaoke is why I sing in my car every day, looking for the best song I know the words to. While this one is terrifying, I say have a drink or two and give it a try. Let me just clarify that I am not a singer by any means. And you will be lucky if I even stay on key, but I still love it. The best part is singing a song you remember from your childhood to take you right back to where you were then. This is a great way to feel like a kid and battle your stage fright all at once.
As I mentioned before being an adult may have its ups and downs, but remember that you have the choice to live your life the way you want it. Sometimes we want to go back to our days in High School, and others we wanna hit up a bar for drinks. The best part about this is that you have the freedom to choose what you like and live your best life possible. Cheers to having fun!
Free Loop Looping Flight Quad Copter