Let’s Celebrate You this Holiday Season!
Let’s Celebrate! The end of the year is filled with celebrations. You talk about what you’re grateful for during Thanksgiving. You celebrate your family and friends during Christmas. And then you celebrate the New Year with all sorts of resolutions on how you can improve yourself going forward. But when do you take some time to reflect on the year passing?
Reflecting on the year and what you accomplished, and maybe what you have not will inform your decisions on the future and can have the added benefit or giving you a nice confidence boost! Let’s get into how we can accomplish this.
You Are Awesome
Sometimes we as a society can consider thinking of yourself too much as narcissistic. This is especially during the holiday season when you are supposed to be thinking of others. I think that these thoughts are a bit self-destructive.
You should think of others all throughout the year. And if you are doing that, then there is no reason you can’t take some time out for just you during the holidays. Not only is it warranted, but I would argue that it is necessary. It’s impossible to change for the better if you are not self-reflecting.
I know there are traditions of
New Year’s resolutions were you resolve to change yourself somehow for the better in the New Year. That’s fine, but the way most people go about it is not what I’m referring to. Most people will find something that they don’t like about themselves, and then say, this is going to change next year. But that’s just focusing on the negative.
You should think of true self-refection like a year-end review at work. Look at all your accomplishments you made throughout the year! Write them was done and review them. Ensure that you take time to consider just how awesome you are. I’m not saying it all has to be flowers and hugs. Of course, along with the accomplishments and strengths, you will have areas or opportunity to grow. You want to put those in there too. Now once you have all these thoughts done, you are ready to celebrate! Not just the New Year, but the old year as well.
Time to Celebrate!
So what is the best way to collect this information? With a party of course! But it will be a party of one. Of course, this is not a strict rule. If you want to invite a friend or to over to write out your reflections together and share, that’s perfectly fine too. But let me share with you how I celebrated.
I decided that my self-reflection would not be just about taking an inventory of the year, but about relaxing and rewarding myself for all that I did throughout it. I ran a nice hot bath with bath bombs included. And I decided to have some nice wine while I was at it.
To make this official, I used my Libbey Stemware wine glasses. Libbey is the top glassware manufacturer in the Americas and one of the largest tableware suppliers in the world. They gave my party of one just enough sophistication that made me feel like all of my hard work was being rewarded. Of course, If you have a significant other or inviting over any friends, they are also a great element to give the party a celebration feel.
Once I was submerged in my bath, I went over my list that I created. Going over it while relaxed helped me to comprehend fully how much I had grown over the year. This Self-awareness is so important to self-growth. Be proud of how much you have done. That way, your resolutions for the New Year will not need to be all about what you don’t like about yourself; it can also be to continue to do something that you are already great at.
Again that’s just how I chose to party. If you are more extroverted than me (most likely), throw a huge
bash! Invite over all the friends that you have! There’s nothing like having a themed party to get the hosting skills flowing. The Libbey Stemware Perfect Signature wine glasses are excellent for big parties as well. While hosting is not my thing, they have helped me on more than one occasion to make a flat part go to a festive affair! Perfect Signature is available at BedBathandBeyond.com and select in-store locations.
As my holiday gift to you, I want to tell you how you can get a 30% discount on any Libbey products. Go in-store to Bed Bath & Beyond and purchase any glassware set from the Libbey Perfect Signature Collection. Then take a photo of how you celebrated with the Perfect Signature Collection and share it by January 30, 2016. The only thing left to do is share your image on your twitter (Tag @LibbeyInc and include #CelebrateThis) and Facebook (post photo on the Libbey Facebook page (@Libbey). Then just sit back and wait for your 30% discount to arrive!
Just be sure that while you are partying on, to remember what you are celebrating. Ensure that you reflect on just why you are so awesome, and continue that positive energy on to the New Year!
Reflection critical for self-improvement
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