How To Get Good Luck With Money On Your Blog
Show of hands, who here wants to learn tips about monetizing your blog?
Good! If your hand is up, you are in the right place.
Here’s the truth: Making money with your blog is pretty simple. All you need to do is focus on the right things and have good fortune come your way.
Now, if you are wondering where to go to find monetization opportunities, this blog post won’t tell you that. But I do have a great blogging resource that lists 126 sponsored post-opportunity websites you might like. Click the button below to get it emailed to you.
If you are trying to figure out how to get good luck with making money on your blog, I’m going to explain that. But first, let me tell you a little about my luck with making money on my blog.
My Story of Good Luck With Money on My Blog
I started Miss Millennia Magazine in 2011. While I’ve had my ups and downs with bringing in income with my blog, the last few years have been pretty significant for me.
2017: I Made $850 for a single sponsored post after being contacted by a brand
This event was a big one for me for multiple reasons. First, while I had made money for sponsored posts on my blog before, I had never been paid $850 for a single post. What was even more significant was that a brand had contacted me to pay me money for an article, which, again, was something I had never experienced before.
2018: I Made $49,000 with My Blog in a Year
That following year, I made $49,000 in a single year with my blog, the most I had ever made. What was even more surprising about that number is that it was the same amount I made at my day job. So I thought: How lucky could one blogger be?
2019: I launched a product that brings in over $300 in passive income each month
On top of all the other things I had done in the years before making income on my blog, I came up with an idea for a product called the Blogging Money Update, which currently brings in $300+ each month in passive income.
Now, I am not telling you all of this for the #humblebrag, but rather to let you know that I achieved it because I got a little lucky. I am also here to tell you that I got lucky with making money through my blog because I put myself in a better position to get lucky.
We associate luck with something that is beyond our control. And it is.
However, we can also do things to put ourselves in a position where luck is more likely to be in our favor. Consider this post the feng shui your mind needs to become one of the many successful bloggers out there.
Today, I will show you how to get good luck with money on your blog.
Making Money With Your Blog Is Simple
Let’s first address the elephant in the room. You might be thinking something along the lines of:
“If making money with your blog is so easy then why aren’t more people doing it?”
“If making money on your blog depends on luck, how can we control the outcome?”
These are great questions…If you want to continue to not see results on your blog.
But to see any success with what I’m going to tell you, you’re going to need a mental shift. So get questions like the ones above out of your mind and embrace the following mantra instead.
Making money on your blog is not hard. It’s actually pretty simple. And there are plenty of bloggers out there making six figures plus with their blogs to prove it.
But to see any success with what I’m going to tell you, you’re going to need a mental shift. So get questions like the ones above out of your mind and embrace the following mantra instead.
Sure, you need skills and tactics to develop to be successful with your blog. (And there are plenty of online courses out there that show you how to develop these things.)
There are so many opportunities for you to make money with your blog right now. You just have to open yourself up to them.
I will not address all the ways you can make money with your blog right now. If you want to know more ways, check out some of my other blog posts:
- My Blogging Journey: How To Make Money Blogging For Beginners
- How to Get Your Blog Earning Money Quickly
- How To Make Money With Sponsored Posts On Your Blog
The hardest part about making money with your blog is not about the tactics you use but how much you are willing to put yourself out there to make significant money. Unfortunately, this is where so many bloggers fail to succeed: their unwillingness to put themselves out there.
What Does It Mean To Put Yourself Out There?
So let me break down what putting yourself out there means. In the simplest of terms, it means giving a shit about the success of your blog.
Meaning you cannot have the mindset of:
“Well, if it doesn’t accomplish the monetary goal I want, that’s fine because it was only a hobby anyway.”
This is not the mindset you need to succeed. Instead, it would be best if you had more of a mindset like:
“Dammit, I’m going to make $100 with my blog if it’s the last thing I do!”
And when you embrace this mindset, you are more willing to put yourself out there. Meaning you are more inclined to put yourself in more uncomfortable situations than you’d prefer. It also means you are more likely to do something bold to put your blog on a path to success.
Does this idea make you a little nervous? Maybe…a little uncomfortable?
Good! You’re already one step closer to creating luck with money for your blog.
Let’s Get Uncomfortable!
Ok, it’s time to get REAL uncomfortable.
Something you should know about me is that I am afraid of a lot of things. I am terrified of heights, and my fear of drowning is enough to keep me out of water that is more than six feet deep. But one fear that terrifies me most is networking with a group of strangers. SERIOUSLY!
I would rather you put me on stage to speak in front of 500 people with no damn clothes on, rather than put me in a room with strangers where I have to approach and talk to them. The idea of it alone is making me sweat as I write this.
But I did something in 2017 that my fear didn’t want me to. I signed up to go to a conference called FinCon because of a recommendation from one of my affiliate partners. I put the idea of meeting a bunch of strangers out of my mind and signed up. It was quickly one of the best choices I have ever made for my blog.
I got so much out of that conference that I’ve attended it three years in a row now. And I believe that it is because of the FinCon conference that I made more money with my blog than I ever have.
This year I went to a talk by Harry Campbell, the creator of the blog called The Rideshare Guy, and he talked about how he turned his blog into a million-dollar business. While he had five really thought-proving lessons, there was one that stood out to me. He said:
“Put yourself in a position to get lucky.”
It was at that moment that I realized that my attending FinCon was the equivalent of me putting myself in a position to get lucky.
I thought back to all the successes I had in 2017, 2018, and in 2019—all years I attended Fincon.
2017: I Made $850 for a single sponsored post after being contacted by a brand
The brand that reached out to me in 2017 found my name on the list of FinCon attendees and decided to contact me. If I were not on that list, who knows if this deal would’ve ever gone down.
2018: I Made $49,000 with My Blog in a Year
In 2018, I attended several talks at Fincon by bloggers making well over six figures with their blogs.
2019: I launched a product that brings in over $300 in passive income each month
I created my product idea in 2019 before I attended FinCon. However, my success with it has come from the residual effects of me attending this conference.
All three of these milestones happened because I was willing to put myself out there. And I can tell you that at that first conference, approaching any stranger and introducing myself was so scary. Even after attending three years in a row, I am still pretty terrified of approaching strangers and speaking to them.
But when I feel that fear in the pit of my stomach, it is now a reminder that I am on the right path, not a sign that I should run the other way.
I want to talk about other things that may make you uncomfortable so that you can have more luck with money on your blog.
Ways You Can Put Yourself Out There
There are so many ways that you can put yourself out there in order to get more success with your blog. I’m going to name a few of them below, but you are not limited to these suggestions!
Go to a Conference
I have already told you about all the success I had from attending a conference. Can you imagine what the results would be like for you if you attended one for your niche? If it makes you nervous, you should probably find a conference to attend ASAP before you talk yourself out of it.
Start networking
If you don’t yet have the funds to attend a conference, make a point to attend some local networking events in your niche. I am in San Antonio, Texas, and there are so many free blogging events to attend. If you are not sure where to find blogging events, start by looking for a local blogging Facebook group. This is where I get all my local blogging information.
Apply to More Sponsored Opportunities
You cannot make money on your blog with sponsored posts if you are not applying to sponsored post opportunities. I will tell you right now that you will not be selected for many of the those you apply for. Just expect that. But for all the ones you apply to and are turned down for, you will gain knowledge on what to do and what not to do the next time around.
Then one day, you will be selected for a post. And then another. Until finally, you will have to turn down opportunities because you just don’t have enough time to complete all the ones you were selected for. I tell you this from experience.
I have a great video on how to get selected for more blogging opportunities below.
Not sure where to find good blogging opportunities?
Sign up for my Blogging Money Update newsletter, and I will send you the best-sponsored opportunities three days a week. Click here to sign up!
Have a Friend Give You Feedback On Your Blog
Do you feel like you’re doing everything right on your blog, but you are not seeing good results? Have a friend take a look and give you some honest feedback. It may sting a little if it is not all positive.
But what you’re doing is getting insight into what your readers may be thinking. That feedback is well worth the criticism.
Explore a New Marketing Channel
Where do you feel most comfortable when it comes to marketing your blog? Is it on Instagram? Is it Pinterest? Whatever it is, take a marketing channel that isn’t it.
Maybe it’s Facebook or creating a video on YouTube. But it is worth trying something new, especially if you’re still trying to see what works and what doesn’t.
Join a Mastermind
This is one of my favorite ways to grow my blog.
A mastermind is a group of people with similar interests. They can give you an outside perspective of your blog, which is always helpful. But they can also teach you the skills you need to be successful in your blog.
While much of my success can be attributed to attending FinCon, it’s also come from being in a blogging mastermind with my blogging besties for the last two years. Being able to learn from your blogging peers is essential to success, especially if you are working with someone who has seen success.
This opportunity is something I’m offering through my Blogging Money Formula program. In Blogging Money Formula, I show bloggers how to start making real money with their blogs with step-by-step guidance. The program will teach you:
- How to establish yourself as a professional blogger: I’ll show you everything your blog needs to be recognized as a professional blogger.
- How to properly apply for sponsored posts so you get selected for more opportunities: I will show you step by step how to apply so that brands choose you more often!
- How to get brands to reach out to you: I’ll show you what you need to set up on your blog so that brands reach out to you, as well as where to go to put yourself on their radar.
- How to build long-term relationships with brands: This way, you can get recurring business with brands instead of having to pitch new ones all the time.
- How to write content that appeals to your audience and the brand: Because great content does not need to be either-or!
- How to drive traffic to your blog posts: Great results produce repeat customers, and I will show you how to make that happen.
Sign Up For Blogging Money Formula
There you have it, everything you need to know to bring a little luck with money to your blog. While the list above is not exclusive to putting yourself out there, I want you to keep an open mind to all the ways you could do this. Here are a few more ways to put yourself out there.
- Speak about your blog expertise at a conference
- Create cool new digital products or services
- Participate in an affiliate launch (Selecting a good affiliate marketing program is an excellent first step to monetizing your blog with affiliate marketing.)
- Tell your friends about your blog
- Make a vision board for your blog
- Have business cards made for your blog and make a point to give them all away in a year
- Collaborate with other bloggers
- Start a blog and create valuable content, and post about them on your personal social media channels
If you want to start making money online, go out there and do something bold! Then let me know about it in the comments!