You Can Cure Wrinkled Skin by These 6 Simple Hacks

You Can Cure Wrinkled Skin by These 6 Simple Hacks fb

“I hated turning 40; the whole idea of it stank. But once I got through it, I was all right.”  That was a very personal insight from Cindy Crawford about her aging doubts and bouts. Here’s another kernel of aging wisdom from one of the most unforgettable faces and bodies in the history of modeling: “I’m not a fan of fillers at all. If you’ve gone 35 or 40 years without big lips, I don’t think it’s time to start plumping them up artificially.”

Embracing Aging

Indeed, the best way to age gracefully is to embrace aging with all of your heart, mind, and being. In no way, however, should you give up your youthful skin without a good fight. So, when you see signs of aging skin begin to set in, stop yourself from falling into deep depression and, instead, do what is in your power to restore your skin.

Clueless? No worries because we got the Top 6 hacks to help you rescue your skin from wrinkling below:

1. Get a wrinkle cream.

A good moisturizer will plump up your skin and smoothes out fine lines but, when it comes to caring for aging skin, a basic moisturizer simply won’t suffice. Check out an Instantly ageless review today to find out if this wrinkle cream might suit your skin and your desired results. Some of the ingredients you want to derive from your wrinkle cream are super moisturizers like Ubiquinone and hyaluronic acid, cell communication enhancing peptides, skin brightening ingredients such as licorice and kojic extracts, and barrier-forming ceramides. Retinol is not for everyone.

2. Examine your sun care strategy.

You do have to look more closely at your sunscreen — what it’s made of and what kind of protection your skin derives from it. Most people will look at broad-spectrum protection and the level of SPF although fewer people understand what they mean. Many, however, will fail to ensure that their sunscreens are also infused with antioxidants, ingredients that can boost your sunscreen’s UV protection and render your skin added protection from cell-damaging free radicals as well.

In any case, you should keep in mind that you need a robust sun care strategy and not just a well-formulated sunscreen. Make sure that you are catching your daily dose of sunshine in the early hours of the morning, and employing other means of sun protection, such as using an umbrella and other clothing and gear to provide a physical barrier that shields your skin from UV.

3. Exfoliate.

It is one of your best allies when you’re faced with wrinkles and other signs of aging skin. That’s because of your skin’s repair, regeneration and turnover mechanisms slow down as you age. Support your skin speed up these processes by regularly exfoliating. Top DIY choices are facial brushes and at-home chemical peels. By facilitating faster skin turnovers, you see softer, smoother and more radiant skin each time plus, exfoliating also helps you get the most out of your wrinkle creams and other products in your daily regimen so find the Right Exfoliator For Your Face.

wrinkled skin
Credit: Flickr

4. Moisturize. 

No amount of moisture is ever enough.  Moisturize twice daily with two differently formulated creams — one that is specially formulated for day wear, and another that is intended to soak up your skin in moisture while you sleep.  Keep moisturizing more in between your moisturizer applications by misting whenever you feel your skin drying out. Moisturizing your face will help you to look and feel younger, you will have softer, more elastic skin, and it will keep your skin hydrated.You should use a moisturizer that is specially made for the face and should only use one that contains SPF 15 sunscreen or higher

5. Hydrate. 

By getting sufficient amounts of fluids into your system, you also keep your skin from drying. Wherever you need to be, therefore, always have a small bottle of water with you so you’ll never have to go thirsty on-the-go. Drinking plenty of water benefits your body in many ways and one, in particular, is healthy skin. Water also helps cure acne in an entirely different way. Skin cells require water to function properly so keep yourself hydrated.

wrinkled skin
Credit: Flickr

6. Get help. 

Help yourself by seeking professional help. Depending on the size and severity of your wrinkles, and your desired results, there is a suitable anti-aging procedure that fits your unique skin and peculiar skin aging needs. You should ask your skin care specialist about minimally invasive and non-invasive procedures that can rescue your skin from wrinkles and other signs of skin aging before your signs get worse.


There is grace in aging that all of us will have to learn to love and better appreciate at a certain point in our lives. Until then, there is no product that you can ingest or apply to your skin that can make you age gracefully. In the end, how you age happens inside your head.

The best way to age gracefully is to embrace aging with all of your heart, mind, and being. Here are top 6 hacks to help you cure wrinkled skin.


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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