Creating an Easter Tradition: Confetti Eggs [Video]

Growing up, my family rarely celebrated Easter. When my sisters and I were very young, she would make up our baskets and leave them out for us Easter morning. But as far as I can remember, I never had more fun on the holiday until the day my mother bought dozens of cartons of cascarones. Or in plainest terms, confetti eggs. She gave us all a colored egg and told us to smash it on each other’s head. That’s right, I got to smash eggs on my sisters’ head. Of course, since we were children, we broke them as hard we could, but it really takes no pressure at all to break the shell. And instead of yolk, colored paper would rain down our hair and onto my mother’s lawn.

The confetti egg tradition lasted just a few years. My mother was never able to find them in stores after that. But last year I got married, and it got me wondering about what kinds of traditions I can bring into my own home. I was not able to find confetti eggs in stores over here in Baltimore, Maryland. So I decided to make my own. Last year, I didn’t start making them until the month before. This year, I started in January so I would have a few dozen by the time April comes around.

They’re very easy to make and a lot of fun to create. You only need a few things.

Step 1: Gently tap your egg on a hard surface.

I mean it, be gentle. Too much force can cause your egg to shatter or develop too many cracks. You’re going to want to keep the egg as whole as possible.

Step 2: Empty yolk in a bowl.

The bigger the hole, the easier it’s going to be to empty the egg. I personally like a smaller hole simply because it looks prettier if the egg maintains most of its shape. Also, since you’re going to be cooking the egg, a smaller hole allows you to separate the yolk from the white!

Step 3: Clean the egg and set to dry.

Rinse the egg with hot water. I like to fill it with water, cover the whole with my fingers and shake it. Once you’ve washed it out a couple of times, place the egg face down onto a towel or paper towel.

Step 4: Cook the egg!

I didn’t eat my egg, it was way too early for breakfast in my opinion. And since it was just the one egg, I quickly scrambled it and fed it to my dog, Dolly. Also, if I know I’m prepping confetti eggs, I bring out the pancake, egg and brownie mixes.

Step 5: Paint it.

This is the fun part! Because I was only doing the one egg, I got a little creative with painting the shell. But, I warn you, too much glue and paint will make the shell harder to break once it all dries. I know this from experience: I made the mistake of using glitter to decorate the eggs last year. Not only was it a mess to clean off my clothes and hair, but it made the shell very hard to break. And smashing an unbreakable egg on somebody’s head is a sure way to injure them. Food coloring is easier, but I like acrylic paint simply for the vivid colors. And, if you use paint, it takes no time at all to dry.

Step 6: Fill the egg with confetti.

metallic confetti to put in an easter egg
Metallic Confetti on Amazon for only $3.97!

ir?t=mismilmagllc 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B002KV3ISIPaper confetti is traditional but I LOVE the metallic confetti. It’s so pretty, and again, vivid. If you’re using paper confetti, fill the egg about half way. A little goes a long way. If you’re using the metallic confetti, as I do, you’re going to want to fill it about three-fourths of the way.

Step 7: Glue the tissue paper down.

I cut the tissue into a tiny circle, just large enough to cover the hole. Then, I used a wet brush to brush the glue along the rim of the egg. You don’t need a lot of glue, as too much will harden the egg. Gently tap the tissue around the rim, and then rub into place. I brushed a little more watered down glue to make sure the edges were down. Let it dry completely.

Step 8: Smash.

Make sure you take it outside because it is messy. Like I said earlier, a little tap on the head can shatter the shell (But where’s the fun in that?).

And there you go, a great new Easter tradition! If you have smaller children, keep an eye on them to make sure confetti doesn’t get into their eyes. I made these for my family made entirely of adults and I’m not going to lie, we got pretty aggressive. But Easter, like any holiday, is about spending time with your family, no matter the traditions. So if you’re looking for a tradition other than hiding your eggs, I hope the confetti eggs are a win for you!

Visit back frequently for more spring and Easter themed articles and videos!

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Creating an Easter Tradition: Confetti Eggs


  • Daniella Gudino

    One day I hope to be a world renown novelist with my books made into movies! For now my goal is to keep sane through work, interns, and becoming somebody's wife. I always work hard and I strive for happiness and balance.

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