The 6 Best Jobs Available Today for Creative People

Creativity is a wonderful thing that everyone should embrace. Like it or not, some people simply don’t have the type of mind required for working in imaginative industries. However, those with the necessary traits will find there are thousands of suitable careers available. If you are a creative person, the last thing you want to do is spend your life working in a monotonous job. For that reason, you must start looking for something better as soon as possible. You might have to enroll in a degree course at university to get the best roles. That’s why there is no time like the present. Identifying employment solutions that will reap significant financial rewards can be tough, and so you must start your research today. We’ve come up with some suggestions that should help to trigger your enthusiasm!


Most of us are raised believing that only a handful of people can get work in the acting profession. However, that is not the case. In the UK alone, there is a shocking number of individuals who earn their wages from performing. You might not be on television, but there are hundreds of different theatre productions with which you can become involved. All you need is confidence and the ability to follow directions. To get started in the acting profession, it’s always wise to join a local theatre group. While you won’t get paid for any performances you undertake, you will get a feel for the job and gain experience. If you find that you enjoy being on a stage, you can pursue the career idea further.

Fashion designer

Most top fashion designers spend at least three years attending university. That is because creativity only makes up half of the job. You will need the imagination to come up with cool and stylish designs that people want to wear. However, you will also need to understand how the industry works. Networking is incredibly important in the fashion world, and so you will need to make lots of contacts. Attending a higher education course at somewhere like school of fashion should help you to mix with the right people. You could make your money by creating clothing for established brands or starting a line of your own. Earnings will depend upon your level of success.

woman typing on computer being creative
Image from Death to Stock Photo

Freelance writer

Have you always wanted to write books for a living? Well, it’s a lot easier today than it has ever been in the past. Self-publishing services like Createspace and Lightning Source allow you to get your work onto some of the world’s biggest marketplaces in a matter of days. The only problem with writing books for a living is that you will need a decent back catalogue before your earnings are high enough to keep your family afloat. For that reason, you should consider getting involved with freelance writing projects in the meantime. You can still write and publish books, but it’s good to have a reliable wage to fall back on. To find work of that nature, you should register accounts with freelancing websites and contact online marketing agencies. Spending your days writing promotional blog posts could be more satisfying than funding your dreams through unskilled work.


Becoming an established and respected new artist can be tricky. There are so many ways you could go about the idea that it is hard to say which will work best. That said; all you need to do is gain lots of attention for your work. So long as your art is innovative and impressive, you shouldn’t have too much trouble with that. Getting your name in the national or international newspapers will no doubt work in your favour. So, perhaps you should consider doing something a little controversial? Over the past couple of years, numerous websites have been launched that advertise and sell the creations of up and coming artists. It is imperative that you get in touch with the people who run these sites and see how they can help you out. Most will be willing to list your work and take a small commission from any sales.

Graphic designer

If you’re artistic and you want a reliable wage, becoming a graphic designer could be perfect. You can do that job on a permanent or freelance basis, which means the possibilities are endless. There are lots of companies out there that use designers to create their promotional materials. So, you could spend your days designing logos, flyers, or even creating graphics for websites. The best thing about this job is that your days will be varied. Some projects might take weeks to complete, whereas others can be handed over in hours. While official qualifications might help you to gain work initially, most of your clients will be more interested in experience.

graphic designer creative career
Image from Death to Stock Photo


Designing new buildings and seeing them built from the ground up can be exceptionally satisfying. Of course, all architects need a relevant degree, and so you will have to attend university for at least three years. The job itself can be a little monotonous, as there are lots of calculations involved. However, anyone with a keen eye for detail could enjoy that role. Again, your working day will be varied depending upon the projects on which you are working. Some of the best architects in the world are paid six-figure salaries, which tends to make this job even more appealing. You might also find that working from home is a possibility, and that means you can spend more time with your family. All you will need is a quiet space to complete your duties.

If none of those creative employment ideas appeal to you, now is the best time to start performing more research. We hope that reading the suggestions on this page has helped to make you see that the perfect job is out there somewhere. Creative people are often stifled by repetitive processes. So, you just need to find something that keeps you engaged.



  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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