Introducing Our Honest Blogging Income Report Series
Today, I’m introducing our Blogging Income Report Series.
Our purpose for creating Blogging Money Life is to share our blogging tips and tricks. We want our readers to have the best tools available to grow their online business into a source of passive income.
In this monthly blogging income series, I discuss our blog’s key performance indicators and showcase the metrics behind our blog.
So, what can you do with this information? Well, you can use it to learn from what we are doing right and from what we are doing wrong.
About Jas and Chris
Jas and I launched our new blog, Blogging Money Life, in August 2021. This was within the same week as our international move to Costa Rica.
Jas is a longtime blogger. She’s been blogging for over 10 years and is the founder of Miss Millennia Magazine.
My background is mainly former military and residential construction. So working digitally and blogging full-time is a new world to me. Luckily, I have an exceptional mentor, an expert blogger, and my lovely wife.
What’s covered in our Blogging Income Reports?
- Website metrics
- Social media analytics
- YouTube key performance indicators
- Email list growth
- Different avenues of income
- Detail expenses
Website Metrics
Website metrics are the tools we use to gauge our site’s traffic and performance. Metrics can tell us what we are doing right, what we are doing wrong, and where we need to improve.
If we’re managing our revenue streams correctly, there should be a direct correlation between traffic growth and income. So, in other words, the more traffic we get to our blog, the more revenue we should bring in.
Social Media Analytics
Developing a solid social media presence within your content marketing strategy is crucial for today’s creators. As a blogger, promoting your content from your social networks is one of the best tools to reach your audience. In our reports, we track the growth of our social networks and their effects on our blogging business.
Besides another avenue for monetization, adding YouTube videos to your blogs has many other benefits.
One example is when a reader watches a video from a blog post. We noticed that the average session duration for that particular page goes up. This significantly improves your bounce rate, which is then recognized by search engines like Google. This will reward you by ranking your content higher for your keywords.
Because of these benefits, we take our YouTube channel seriously and monitor our YouTube metrics closely.
Email List
An email is one of the most powerful tools you can have as a blogger to communicate directly to your audience. This tool can engage your audience through weekly newsletters, drive traffic to specific content, or promote a product launch.
We discuss methods to grow our email list and track the metrics that help us monitor its health.
Income and Expenses
I’m excited to provide you with an inside look at “the books.”
You will have eyes on our business monetization tracker sheet. Each month I run down exactly how much money we brought in and how much we spent.
As far as revenue is concerned, we’re going into detail on our five different income streams.
- Affiliate income
- Sponsored posts
- Advertising
- Digital product sales,
- YouTube monetization
Affiliate Income
What’s Affiliate Marketing, you ask? In simple terms, it’s an arrangement between you and a retailer. The affiliate agrees to pay a commission for every click and sale generated from their affiliate link in your article.
Want some tips on how to grow your blog’s affiliate program? Check out Jas’s video, Affiliate Marketing Tips for Beginners.
In this video, Jas talked about growing her affiliate income from $200 per month to more than $4,000 per month.
Sponsored Post
We love when companies pay us money to advertise our favorite products, and that’s what happens with a sponsored post.
In short, a sponsored post is an article with a product link. The sponsor has agreed to pay a flat fee to write and publish their article on your blog.
Now, how would you like to have the very best tips on how to get selected for the sponsored post opportunities?
Check out our video, How to Get Selected for Sponsored Post Opportunities on Your Blog.
Ads can be annoying, but they are one of the fastest ways to make passive income on your site. Ad revenue is income earned from displaying a paid advertisement on our blog. You’ve definitely seen these before. These usually appear as banner ads across the top of the blog or on the web page’s sidebar.
Product Sales
We’re going to discuss the income we bring from the sales of our products. Developing and selling your own product is one of the most potent ways to make money with your blog.
Do you know what the best part about selling your own product is? You don’t have to split your revenue with an ad network or company. That’s right, any money you make is your money to keep.
Our blog currently offers 3 digital products for sale, Blogging Money Update, Blogging Money Formula, and the Sponsored Post Pricing Tool.
YouTube monetization
There are a few different ways to earn money from your YouTube channel. For now, we’re only going to focus on YouTube’s partnership program.
We have to meet basic requirements to qualify for this program. The first is to have at least 1,000 subscribers. The second is to accumulate over 4,000 watch hours within the past 12 months of our channel’s life.
Join us
So that was a quick summary of what you can expect from our blogging income report in 2022. The first episode was released on YouTube in September and published on our blog. This report fully accounts for our metrics and income for August 2021.
Check out our Blogging Income Report for our first month of blogging here.