5 Tips for Traveling in Non-English-Speaking Countries

1. Know some of the language

Take a few hours before you go and start learning how to say “hello,” “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” to make all your interactions a bit more polite.

2. Do your research before the trip starts

Download a translating app onto your phone. If you don’t have an international data plan, buy a dictionary app which doesn’t require Internet access.

3. Spring for the audio guide

Get in another line and ask for an English audio guide every time you visit a museum or monument.

4. Be polite and never shout

If you’re interacting with someone who doesn’t speak English, or who do not speak English fluently, be as polite as possible.

5. Be patient!

Seriously. Everything will go more smoothly if you just take a deep breath and find some patience.

5 Tips for Traveling in Non-English-Speaking Countries