5 Practical Housewarming Gift Ideas For Under $50

Whether your friend is a coffee drinker, enjoys a soothing cup of tea after work, or has a sweet tooth for hot chocolate, they could probably use a nice mug.

A Cute Mug

The photo holder is relatively cheap, but your friend will love the effort you put into choosing your favorite photos of your time together.

Photo Holder

You can write your friend a note on the first page of the journal, wishing them well in their new home and offering any advice you may have.

A Journal

A planner is probably not something your friend thought about, but the housewarming gift can prove quite helpful for their new life!

A Planner

A candle probably wasn’t high on what your friend thought they’d need immediately, but it can help them relax and feel at home.

A Candle

31 Practical Housewarming Gift Ideas For Under $50