The Best Ways To Travel For Cheap And Still Get An Amazing Experience

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Courtesy: Benson Kua, Flickr (Royalty-Free)

A lot of people would love to travel for cheap, but there are so many times when the experience falls flat as a result. If you’re going to visit a destination, you’re going to want to have the best time, regardless of how much you are spending. That’s why it’s important to take a look at some ways you can save money when traveling while still having a blast. You can read more here if you’re interested.

For now, though, let’s take a look at some of the best methods to travel for cheap that are available to you right now.

Travel During The Least Busy Seasons

Most people or even some guides would tell you not to travel during peak seasons, but this can be severely misunderstood. Make sure that everyone is on the same page here; if you want to save money, you need to travel during those times when your destination is at its least busy. There’s a big difference.

Wherever you decide to travel, figure out when that place is at its busiest and when it’s the opposite. The services and amenities might not be as widely available, and you might miss out on a few attractions, but the prices are often at their lowest.

Go As A Group

You could also go traveling as a group, if you prefer to go during peak season or just around that time, when hotels, travel agencies, and even city or nationwide programs are offering huge discounts for people making bookings in large numbers. There’s plenty of opportunities to save on the costs of accommodation, travel, food, attractions, and so much more.

Of course, this option would be predicated upon the fact that you would be comfortable traveling as a group. If you are, you could open yourself up to a lot of amazing opportunities that you might never have been given if you were traveling alone or even as a pair.

Try To Be Less Picky

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Courtesy: Ed Schipul, Flickr (Royalty-Free)

Sure, Paris might be your dream destination, but it’s not exactly cheap to go there and stay for a few days. That’s going to take some preparation.

For the short term, why not be less picky and merely visit countries like those in the tropics where everything costs less? Southeast Asia is famous for offering incredible experiences for the lowest prices. You could start there as you save up for that dream vacation to France.

Don’t Ride Everywhere

If you don’t need to get somewhere in a hurry or if you can get to it on foot, there’s no reason not to do just that. Not only will walking anywhere you can as much as you can be an excellent way to save on fare expenses, but it also affords you the opportunity to experience the places you visit with more depth than if you were zooming through it in a car or on a bus.

You do have to make sure that the places you go to are safe, however, and that you won’t be at risk of injury if you choose this path. If so, walking can give you so many chances to have a unique experience while also giving you opportunities to save.

Sponsored Trip

Most people assume that when they travel, they’ll be doing so at their own expense, but this isn’t necessarily the case. You can go on a trip and have someone else pay for it. Naturally, you can’t just go up to people on the streets and ask them for money. You could, however, approach people on the web and ask for money from them.

One of the most common methods for actually doing this is through crowdfunding. You go to platforms such as Go Fund Me, Indiegogo, and so many others, and set up a crowdfunding page. From there, you give people a really good reason to donate money so that you can go on a trip.

Alternatively, you could ask your relatives, friends, community, and the like, while throwing a bone their way. It could come in the form of traveling for a good cause, spreading awareness about specific topics and so on. People love getting behind something worth believing in. So much so, in fact, that they would be more than happy to money to support it.

Travel For Or As A Job

There are times when you can make a company trip into a mini-vacation if your job allows for it. This allows you to save on your expenses since the company would actually pay for some or even all of it. If this option isn’t available to you, you could always travel as your actual job.

Plenty of people are already doing it, living their dream of visiting exotic locations while also earning a living. At times, they even combine both this option and the crowdfunding route by having readers or viewers donate money so that they can go on their wild adventures. Doing so would certainly make your expenses less of a problem.

travel for cheap

Courtesy: Trekking Rinjani, Flickr (Royalty-Free)


Traveling for cheap is more than possible, provided you have the right information on how to do it. If you have been dreaming of going on an amazing vacation for a while but don’t want to spend too much money to do it, these tips might help.

To travel for cheap is more than possible, provided you have the right information on how to do it. If you have been dreaming of going on an amazing vacation for a while but don’t want to spend too much money to do it, these tips might help.


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