5 Easy Steps for Women to Ensure a Healthy Heart

I know this seems like common sense, but if you don't make your health a priority, you will not get anywhere.

Take a Genuine Interest in Your Health

To improve overall cardiovascular health, the AHA suggests at least 150 mins per week of moderate exercise or 75 mins per week of vigorous exercise.

Put Some Pep in Your Step

If your cholesterol numbers are higher, you now know that you have some work to do to help lower them.

Know Your Numbers

Be mindful when you eat. That means being aware of what you decide to eat, and how quickly you eat it.

Eat Consciously

If you do not feel well, it is good to go to the doctor. If you have a persistent issue, the safe route is to go to the doctor.

Get Regular Check-Ups

7 Easy Steps for Women to Ensure a Healthy Heart