How To Get Birth Control Without a Visit to the Doctor’s Office
This post is sponsored in collaboration with Alpha Medical. All opinions in this post are 100% mine.
If I could sum up what my day-to-day has been like for the last few months in three words it would be BUSY-AS-HELL.
I have found myself neglecting important things such as sleeping and exercise because there are so many things I am doing on a daily basis. Between running my blog, my membership site, and my full-time job my overall health often takes a back seat.
Well, this can be problematic when it comes to making sure I have all the prescriptions I need – my birth control pills being an important one. What I typically do to get birth control involves me setting a doctors appointment about two weeks in advance, and attending the appointment at a health center of some sort to get the doctor’s prescription after paying a $35 copay. Then after getting the prescription from my doctor, I make my way to the local pharmacy to pick up my prescription every single month.
While this may not seem like a huge inconvenience, this process alone is reason enough not to take a day out of my already busy schedule to get it done. This process alone is why I have failed to renew my birth control prescription for the last 5 months.
I’ve been so busy with the various projects that I have once again neglected my health. Surprise, surprise. But I’ve realized that this is one health to-do that I no longer need to neglect.
I’ve figured out how to skip the doctor’s appointment, the visit fee, and even the pharmacy visit to get my birth control prescription despite my busy schedule.
How I Got Birth Control Without a Doctor’s Office Visit
I found out about a pretty cool website called Alpha Medical. that lets you get your birth control prescription online in just a few minutes. It took me a total of 15.
All I had to do was start the consultation which included me creating an account on the Alpha website, then complete a brief questionnaire about the brand of the pill l I am looking for, payment and shipping information, and uploading a photo of my health insurance card. Since they had a few types of birth control from the Nuva ring to the classic pill, I spent a little time in this area. The insurance card is not required, but simply an option if you choose not to use cash to pay.
After I completed the questionnaire, I got a message from a nurse practitioner a few hours later letting me know that my prescription was approved and she gave me medical advice on how to take my medication. A few days later my birth control was delivered in the mail!
And the best part is that my birth control was free since my health insurance plan was accepted and I didn’t even have to pay for shipping. Going forward I can expect automatic refills that come right to my door with some extra goodies too!
Honestly, the most difficult part of the entire transaction was remembering to take my birth control since I had gone so long without taking it.
What is Alpha Medical?
Alpha Medical was formed with the goal of increasing access to care for some of the country’s most common, underserved and undertreated medical needs with low medical risk including birth control and inadequate eyelashes. I love the name because they are specifically looking for women in my exact situation.
Alpha Women is what they call their customers. I think of women who are working to achieve their goals, and as a result of their busy schedules may be putting off their own health. The brand is 100% female-focused and they make getting your prescriptions convenient and easy to use. This allows women to be able to take control of their health care and birth control!
Once I tried it for the birth control, I was intrigued and interested to learn more about what Alpha Medical had to offer. I quickly learned that there were other prescriptions you could get with their service.
Other prescriptions You Can Get Online with Alpha Medical
On top of getting my birth control prescription, I also signed up to get Tretinoin cream to help with my dark marks on my skin, Latisse – a prescription to help grow your eyelashes, and I even got their new line of custom skincare!
They are even working on adding new prescription items to their list as we speak.
All of the prescription treatments require a similar process of completing a questionnaire online and having your medical history reviewed by a doctor or nurse practitioner.
There were no video chats or appointments that needed to be made. I did not have to make a single phone, or do a video visit, or even call my doctor or anyone. I got what I needed without worrying about paying the $35 co-pay. And a girl can get excited about having anything delivered to your door as opposed to having to go get it yourself.
How To Get a FREE Alpha Medical Account
If you are interested in trying Alpha yourself you can sign up for an Alpha Medical. It does not cost a penny to have an account and you can message their care team and expect a reply within 24 hours.
I know there are going to be times where I have to actually set an appointment and go to the doctor. But getting my regular birth control prescription should not have to be one of those times. I feel the same way for any woman who has a lot on her plate (ahem…ALL WOMEN.) If we are going to run the world we have to have our health care under control, and I am so glad to have discovered a resource like Alpha. It is a game changer in helping women who are well on their way to the top!
Want to learn more about Alpha Medical? Go here to learn more about getting your prescriptions delivered to you monthly.