
Dive into topics that matter most to millennials in our Millennials category. From career advice to lifestyle trends, we cover the issues and interests that define our generation. Stay informed and inspired with content that speaks to you.

In addition to career and lifestyle insights, we explore the cultural, social, and economic factors that shape the millennial experience. Our content delves into topics like personal finance, mental health, digital innovation, and work-life balance, offering practical advice and thought-provoking discussions.

We also highlight the voices and stories of millennials making an impact, providing a platform for sharing experiences and connecting with like-minded individuals. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of adulthood, seeking guidance on professional development, or simply looking to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, our Millennials category is your go-to resource for understanding and thriving in today’s world.

Playing Outside? Keep Away from These 4 Plants

Warm spring weather encourages Americans everywhere to venture outside for impromptu baseball games, hiking trips, picnics, and barbecues. It’s easy to let your guard down while you’re having fun, but…


Movie Review for "Divergent"

Oh, Hollywood! It finds a lot of its inspiration for motion pictures from books. Yet another book adaptation came out on big screen nationwide on March 21, finally putting anxious…

The History of Feminism- Lois Banner

The struggle to gain rights for women in the United States is as old as the history of the nation.  When Thomas Jefferson declared in 1776 in the Declaration of…

5 Things to Do in Vegas Beside Gambling

On the surface, Las Vegas seems to be all about one thing: gambling, gambling, gambling. It’s the Mecca of gambling – a whole city devoted to fiscally irresponsible entertainment. Most…

All My Friends Are Engaged

All My Friends Are Engaged

Gosh, my palms are getting sweaty just thinking about this. Maybe that’s the reason I’m not engaged; I sweat too much, or I talk about sweating too much, or I fear…