5 Essential Career Sectors Dying for Younger Employees with Experience

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As a Millennial, you will be aged between 26 and 41. Even at the older end, you are still younger employees with experience. And some career sectors are crying out to fill specific roles today.

#1: Medical and Care Workers

Many countries have a shockingly low number of people working in healthcare and medicine. For instance, more than 40,000 jobs in the NHS need to be filled right now. Because there aren’t enough people to do the job, standards are falling.

Medical and care workers

But if you think it would be better for you, you can always sign up with a nursing agency for hospitals, private facilities, and care homes. One of the most rewarding fields is medicine because you help people.

#2: Information Technology Engineering

IT is the use of technology to solve problems in organizations and businesses. This branch of engineering involves using computers, networks, data transfer, and other software and hardware to deal with and use data in a way that makes it worthwhile information.

You will often work with many systems, like local networks, GPS, and communications. These jobs are technical and complex. Yet they are very rewarding for the person who does them well.

#3: Law Firms want Younger Employees with Experience.

When you work at a law firm, you get training in the field, a guaranteed salary, and help with brand management and getting clients from other people. You might get to be a lawyer, but there are also many other jobs in the legal field.

Law firm

For instance, after law school, the first job that most people get is as an associate attorney. Also, you can practice law in many ways, not just criminal law. Intellectual property law, for example, is said to be the least stressful.

#4: Cybersecurity and Related Careers

Cybersecurity is a challenging and demanding job. Even so, it is very sought after because there are so many attacks on people and businesses. In cybersecurity, many jobs have to do with software. And you might have a better chance if you know how to code and use IT.

But each job pays well, and there are a lot of people who want to do it. The chances of getting hired are better for a job in cyber security than for a job in software development and programming.

#5: Sales, Banking, and Marketing

These are three very similar careers. Marketing bank services means showing, advertising, and selling bank-related products in the best way possible so that you meet customer needs and the bank makes money.

Sales, banking and marketing

One of the things that the financial industry does is market bank services. You might think banks are run by old people. But their sales and marketing teams are full of ambitious young people who want to make a good living.


Many career sectors are looking for younger employees with experience to help reach a company’s maximum potential. These include medical and care, law firms, and banking sales.

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  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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