68 Useful Blogging Tips For New Bloggers in 2024

68 Useful Blogging Tips For New Bloggers in 2023

If you are a new blogger, especially in this day and age, there are so many things that you will need to know to be successful, which is why I wanted to share some of my favorite blogging tips for new bloggers. And by successful, I mean whatever goal you set for yourself and your new blog. 

Your goals could be making money from your blog, gaining a large audience, or just sharing your journey blogging! Success is never black and white. I have created a list of the most essential blogging tips for new bloggers. 

Now I know there are A LOT of tips here. So if you are looking for the most important ones, see my video below, which talks about the top 15 tips from this list.

Over the years, I have often struggled to gain and sustain new followers. This is not an easy venture, but I never imagined some of the highest and lowest highs I have experienced. 

Throughout the years, I have noted what has worked for me and what has not. I have taken courses and read books! Not to mention creating a fantastic Facebook group meant to surround me and others with people attempting to go on this fantastic journey.

And this is an extensive blogger tips list. I included everything a brand-new blogger needs to know when starting out. Feel free to take what you need and pass along what you find especially helpful!

Table of Contents

#1: Start An Email List

Proven to be one of, if not the best, way to get people to read your latest blog posts is to ensure you have an extensive email list. The bigger, the better. 

It is imperative that you have an email list for your blog

This is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website and build long and meaningful relationships with your followers and subscribers. 

Having an email list is a big deal. 

Did you know that someone is six times more likely to click on your email’s link when you attach the same link in a tweet? It is also forty times more likely that your content will be read through email than on Facebook or Twitter. If you are curious about how this brings in income for your blog, check out our article called 11 Easy Ways To Make Money With An Email List

#2: Develop An Email Marketing Strategy

This tip goes hand and hand with your email list. I love using Convertkit to prepare and schedule all of my emails and provide different ways to test how other subject lines perform with your email list! 

Not only did I have all the tools I needed, such as automation, email sequences, a customized form, and split testing, but they also had so much content that I could read or watch later on!

The price is reasonable, and there are various tools you could use within their platform. Plus, they’re always working on the next best thing. So, if you don’t believe me, give it a try for yourself for a couple of weeks. You can use my link to get a free trial for 14 days here

Convertkit also provides all of the stats for each email you send out. For example, you can see how many people opened, clicked through, and even unsubscribed.

#3: Know Your Target Audience

A successful blogger knows that everything people consume is geared towards those who love those things. Therefore, these are the readers that you should be trying to capture through your content. 

For example, people who love to travel will probably follow a travel blogger who often gives advice on the best destinations that are not well-known to foreigners. Or a beauty blogger who focuses solely on those who do not know how to do their makeup. They can recommend the best cosmetics brands while showing their audience the best practices for using eyeshadow. 

Your target audience can be separated in many different ways, such as age, gender, location, interests, etc. In addition, some target audiences can be larger or smaller than others. 

There are many benefits to knowing who your target audience is and what they would like to see from you. That way, you can develop an effective marketing strategy to attract them to your site and keep them coming back for more in the future. 

It is a good idea to learn who your target audience is and create great content to attract and keep them around.

#4: Focus On Search Engine Optimization

A common mistake that I often see with new bloggers is that they do not take the time to optimize their blog posts with SEO. This is basically keyword research to appear higher in search results. 

SEO is key to ranking higher in search engines

And if you appear higher in search engines, it is more likely that your audience will click on your post, generating more traffic to your blog

There are two main options, in my opinion, that have worked best for me and my own blog. The first is SEMRush, and the second is RankIQ. I actually did a review for both of these tools in the video below.

SEMRush is an easy tool to use. Once you log onto their website, you can navigate to see all of your posts. From there, you can see which are your best performers.

You can also see how you can change up the posts to make them rank higher on Google search results. Which will generate more traffic to your blog! 

Check out my video on SEMRush below if you want to learn more. You can also read about my SEMRush experience here.

RankIQ is also easy to use, but you will need to write your article and paste it into RankIQ’s optimizer to ensure it passes its particular rating process.

But it is super easy to use, even if you are a beginner blogger. And it makes it super easy for you to drive more traffic to your blog quickly. Check out my full review of RankIQ here.

#5: Learn Affiliate Marketing & Implement Affiliate Links

Affiliate marketing is a must if you want to make money from your blog. To put it simply, you can apply to different companies to become an affiliate, or what I like to call a middleman, to other sites. 

Once you are approved, you will receive your very own original links to use throughout your blog. You should add these links to your blog posts, pictures, and videos. 

When a person reads your post and is interested in the product, you promote it. Then, hopefully, they will just click the link in the center to buy it.

Then, you will receive a portion of that sale! And as you develop this skill, the more sales you can expect. Watch my video below for tips on making even more money with affiliates.

#6: Install Google Analytics

Google analytics is an awesome free tool to have under your belt

Google Analytics is another site that you should have access to if you want to succeed in blogging. This free tool allows you to check how your website and individual posts are doing over time. It even tells you which posts are your top performers! 

#7: Pick An SEO-Friendly Domain Name

Having a domain name that not only fits your business or blog is essential. But you also have to make sure that it is SEO-friendly. This means that it will come up pretty quickly in Google search results and is easy for your readers to remember.

#8: Do Keyword Research for Each & Every Article

This is where SEMRush and RankIQ will come in handy once again! I cannot emphasize how important keyword research is when you are trying to expand your blog. 

In fact, I have an entire article about it. In addition, you can check out my keyword research article here! I also have a video where I show my keyword research strategy below.

Keyword research is essential because it can mean the difference between you getting a ton of free organic traffic to your blog posts or not.

SEO keyword research helps business owners and blog writers optimize their sites to rank on the first page of Google by finding the perfect search terms or keyword phrases that people often use when searching for a specific topic.

#9: Write About Your Blogging Journey Along the Way

You may not realize it, but many people would love to get out of their regular 9-5 routines and begin their blogging journey. But not many people know how to or would like to just see what it is like behind the scenes. 

Write about your experiences--good and bad

By blogging about your journey along the way, you can help others, provide more content to your blog, and create a neat way to look back at how far you have come!

#10: Create a Writing Style Guide

A writing style guide will help you remember the parameters you set for your blog. This way, while you are writing, you will not have to remember from the top of your head what font, headline style, length of the post, etc., should be. Instead, you can just easily refer back to it as needed. 

This is also an excellent guide if you plan on having a team of ghostwriters. That way, you can easily send out the direction and not spend precious time explaining every detail. 

#11: Use a Functional Blog Design

It has to be user-friendly if you want your readers to stay on your blog site longer. When a blog is too confusing to navigate or too slow, your audience will be likelier to click off of it and probably won’t return in the future. 

  1. The Font

Do not choose fonts that will make it harder for your audience to read or distract from the information you are trying to share. The body size font should range only from 14px to about 16px. Arial, EB Garamond, Georgia, and Helvetica Neue are some of the best fonts. 

  1. The Layout

Humans, in general, or visual creatures. If your blog site is scattered and unorganized, that is how it will make your readers feel as well. It will turn them off from your site and increase the bounce rate of your site. The layout of your site should be easy to navigate, even for the most technologically unsavvy reader. 

  1. The Images

The images you use on your site will quickly tell your visitors what they need to know. On the other hand, low-resolution images can be a huge red flag for areas that are not up to date or worthwhile staying on. 

  1. Speed 

What is the point of owning a blog if the site takes too long to load, so your visitors lose interest in whatever you say? People are impatient. They want the information that they are seeking right then and there.

And if your website is slow, they will simply leave and not return. We use the Restored316 blog theme with Kadence and have no complaints.

#12: Monitor Popular Blogs to See What They Are Doing

This is a strategy that businesses and even governments have used in the past. Check out your competition and/or blogs that you just enjoy. Check out what they’re writing about. How about their color scheme? 

Catch my drift? 

But when it comes to making your own original content, just be yourself and what feels right to you!

#13: Start a YouTube Channel & Develop Video Content

Youtube is a perfect way to drive more traffic to your blog

Most people like to watch Youtube videos. Especially with specific niches such as fashion, food, technology, travel, etc. People are visual. So, please, continue to write if you like, but videos can also draw in many people. 

#14: Consider Guest Posting On Other Blogs

Get your name out there! Especially if you can write a blog that would tie in with what you usually post about on your own page. Blogging is a numbers game; you must use every advantage to get ahead. 

#15: Create a Facebook Page

Despite what some Gen Z-ers would say, Facebook is still alive and popping. So take advantage of the fact that you may gain much traction from Facebook. 

Create a page and use it as an extension of your blog site. Post pictures, statuses, and links to recent posts on your site to gain more traffic, followers, and even sponsored opportunities! 

Here is where I will shamelessly plug in my very own Facebook group, Bloggers Supporting Bloggers!

#16: Create An Instagram Page

Once again, this is one of the social media sites many people swear are going underwater soon, but I do not believe that to be accurate! Millions of people log in to Instagram every day,,, and there is nothing but potential readers there! 

And while I have you, I may as well add the link to the Blogging, Money, Life Instagram Page, too!

#17: Take Online Courses to Improve

There are so many courses out there that you can take today to improve your writing skills, blogging insight, and monetize. Many are affordable, considering what you are taking away from each course. 

Check out the Genius Blogging Toolkit while you’re here! It is seriously a great price! If you want to know about other excellent blog courses, read my article on the best blogging courses here.

All finished? Want to check out more courses on blogging? Then, you should dive into AppSumo, where you can find a litany of techniques to help you improve your blogging skills and make money! I like to call it the Google of blogging practices. 

#18: Make Sure Your Blog Looks Good On Mobile Devices

Let’s be honest. Most people will probably find your blog while scrolling on their phones. That is not a problem for bloggers who have already realized this and made sure their sites are mobile-phone friendly! 

Just think about how frustrating it can be when a website you like is not optimized for your phone! Honestly, one of my biggest pet peeves. 

#19: Write A Table Of Contents For Your Longer Articles

Longer articles are great and do well on Google searches, but that does not always mean they are convenient to read. Especially when a reader just wants a few tidbits of information from your post. 

Not only could a table of contents provide this, but I am sure the readers would be grateful to have it and will most likely come back to your site! 

#20: Decide On A Blog Niche

This is similar to finding your target audience. They actually go hand-and-hand with one another. To do one, the other must be done. A niche could be anything you would want your blog to be about: fashion, food, business, technology, travel, family, you name it. 

There are a few questions you should ask yourself when you begin a new blog: 

  1. What are you passionate about? 

If you are going to create an entire blog around a specific topic, you need to be interested in it. That way, the issue won’t become dull, and you will never grow tired of researching more about it! 

  1. Is this niche profitable? 

If you want to make money from your blog, you must ensure that what you write about will allow you to do so. Check out what sorts of blogs are already out there and see what is not working for them.

#21: Pick A Good Blog Name

A good blog name should be catchy and easy to remember. But it should also stand out enough that many other blogs don’t appear before yours when someone searches for them. 

#22: Choose The Right Blogging Platform

This is key. A fashion blog probably should not be in purely written form. People want to see the designs, colors, and styles you are imagining or reporting on. 

Whatever your niche is, ensure you can share it in the best way possible to get your vision across to your target audience. 

#23: Pick A Good Hosting Provider

Having the correct hosting provider can make or break your blog site. You need a hosting provider that runs quickly and efficiently. And if there is ever an issue that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible, they should be available. 

And do not be afraid to try new providers if the one you have is not working out the way you would like it to. Your blog site, reputation, and success are on the line. 

#24: Add An SSL Certificate

Adding an SSL certificate to your site allows for communication that takes place on it to be encrypted. It is a simple way to keep yourself and your readers safer while on your site. 

#25: Create An About Me Page

Allow your readers to get to know the person behind the posts! Not only will this show your readers that you are a living, breathing person, but they are probably more likely to trust what you have to say over time. 

And you are less likely to receive over-the-top, hateful, and negative comments. The more human you are to your readers, the less likely some will treat you harshly. 

#26: Add Top Content To The Sidebar

If you use Google Analytics, as I have stated above, you will know which posts are doing the best on your site. And they are the best for a reason! So make sure that readers who come across your site have a chance to see your top posts! 

This will drive up your page views,,, and your sessions will be longer overall! 

#27: Create A Blog Tagline

Having a blog tagline may seem cheesy, but having one gives your audience an easy way to remember your blog. It also gives them another way to search for your blog if they don’t know your name. This is why I think this is one of the best blogging tips!

And there are plenty of different taglines to add to your blog. The five different types are:

  1. Descriptive

What does your business or blog aim to do? This is best for smaller brands and those whose name does not say what they provide. 

  1. Persuasive

This is good for products or companies that have products to offer their customers. 

  1. Creative

Creative taglines are memorable to their readers. If it is witty enough, it will resonate with your audience. 

  1. Emotive 

These types of taglines aim to trigger an emotion within your audience. This can enhance their want to continue reading or going through and purchasing your product or service. 

  1. Brand-Recognizable 

This is a tagline that is linked to your unique brand.

#28: Add Links to Your Social Media Profiles

This is another part of humanizing yourself to your audience and vice versa! Let your friends and family know that you have a site and you are super proud of it! Remember to be safe and not post something that can get you hurt or in trouble later down the road. 

#29: Download Yoast SEO Plugin

The Yoast SEO Plugin is an excellent tool for keyword research within your article, mainly if you use WordPress. However, I do not use it independently, considering many other SEO tools offer different reports not included in Yoast.

For example, RankIQ gives me a word count that I have to make to rank higher in Google search results. 

#30: Download the Monsterinsights Plugin to Track Google Analytics

This plugin is a quicker way to check your Google Analytics. It may come in handy depending on how much time and energy you have to prevent Google Analytics. It just breaks down the data for you in an easier-to-understand way. 

#31: Download UpdraftPlus

Make sure you protect all of your hard work by having a backup. UpdraftPlus is used for this, and many bloggers swear by it. In addition, you can upload your posts directly to several different places, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon UpdraftVault, and email. And to do so is free!

#32: Decide On Blog Categories

In a perfect world, we would write blog posts about everything we wanted to and still gain a considerable following. Unfortunately, though, that is not how the blogging game works.

You have to find your niche and target audience and stick to it. Not only will this keep your blog organized, it will also allow you to specialize in that area. 

#33: Write Pillar Content

All questions should be answered in the post

What exactly is pillar content? It is content that gives a reader a complete answer to whatever they came to your web page for. These types of content usually rank higher on Google and allow the reader to trust you and your content more than they did before!

#34: Make A Content Calendar

Making a content calendar is a simple way to ensure you stay on top of your blog posts. Believe me, knowing what you will be posting daily is a brain-saver! 

And you can even make it public! This will hold you accountable for publishing on time,,, and your readers will know when to expect new content from you!

#35: Make A Blog Schedule

Having a blog schedule, in my mind, is like having a monthly calendar. The difference between the two is that a blog schedule is more generalized,,, whereas a content calendar has actual titles of posts and videos that will be going out during that month. 

#36: Be Consistent

Nothing is worse than finding a new blogger and wanting to absorb their entire website. But when you run out of their old material, you are left waiting for more. Sure, they upload every once in a while, but it is sporadic. 

Eventually, the reader will get tired of waiting and move on to a more consistent poster. 

#37: Outline Your Content Before Writing

This goes back to 8th grade English class. Outlining your content ensures you hit all the main points you want to include in your writing. It also makes sure you thoroughly do your research before you start writing. 

#38: Use H2 Headers

H2 headers help to break up your posts into smaller sections. It is easier on the eyes of your readers, but it also breaks the information up. That way, readers are not overwhelmed by a wall of text, especially on a mobile device. 

#39: Make Excellent Headlines

An excellent headline, aka the title, is a must for your blog posts. If your title is anything less, it has less opportunity to rank higher on search engines. Thus, it will get less organic traffic to your website. Wasting your time and losing money. 

#40: Add Images to Blog Posts

Adding images to blog posts must keep your readers engaged and interested in your writing. Pictures can add to your posts in a great and informative way while also breaking up the monotony of a page of words. 

#41: Add Pinterest Images to Posts

There are a ton of different types of images that you can choose from and add to your blog posts. In addition, Pinterest images have the benefit of being longer,,, so you can easily have multiple images in one or even an infographic! 

#42: Add FB Images to Posts

Facebook is great for quick and simple images that can be easily shared on many social media platforms. They can be in both horizontal and vertical dimensions, as well! 

#43: Create IG Images for Posts

High-quality images are perfect for Instagram and your blog posts. These are usually square. So make sure that whatever you post using this type of image is specific and clear. 

#44: Add Alt Text to Images

Adding alt text to images lets you sneak in a keyword or two to your article! It is one of the crucial things that not many will tell you. 

On top of that, it also helps those who are blind or have low vision to understand the images in your post. That is because screen readers can pick up on them and read them aloud. 

And alt text does not only have to be added to images! You can add them to slip art, graphs, tables, etc. 

#45: Edit Your Content Before Publishing

This may seem like a no-brainer for many people, but you must ensure that everything on your website is edited well. You have to double-check grammar, spelling, keywords, etc. 

Even after your post is live, you should always double-check that pictures can be seen and videos are working correctly. 

#46: Post New Content On Social Media

Social media is an excellent tool for bloggers to utilize! It allows you to share your new posts more publicly than with Google alone! 

This is why it is imperative to have a website and social media in all forms for people to find your brilliant work! 

#47: Reuse Blog Content Posts On Socialbee

In a bit, I will discuss something called evergreen content. It is older content that is shareable for an extended amount of time. So don’t let that time go to waste! 

Add it to Socialbee with a few varying captions. Then you can schedule it to be posted on your social media cyclically for months or even years to come. 

#48: Add Social Share Button to Content

Adding a share button is one of the  greatest blogger tips

If someone loves your post and likes to share it with their followers, you should make it easy for them to do so! But, on the other hand, don’t stunt your growth by not having shareable posts.

#49: Run A Giveaway to Get More Subscribers

Everyone loves free things! Why not grow your email list and find more like-minded people who would love your content? 

#50: Choose An Email Marketing Tool

The correct email marketing tool is one of the most critical factors in growing your blog and/or business. That is why I am so glad that I found Converkit when I did. 

It has graphs and tables about who opens and clicks through the emails I send out, and it also lets me test out different forms of the same email to see which kind performs the best. 

Overall, I could not be happier with Convertkit even if I tried! 

#51: Create Email Lead Magnets

This is another; if you don’t know already, you probably will not know the last things. This is how you gather many of your soon-to-be followers and subscribers’ emails. 

There are a ton of different ways to do this. It can be through free giveaways, trials, trial subscriptions, newsletters, etc. 

#52: Create An Email Welcome Sequence

Once you have new followers and email subscribers, sending them a welcome email sooner rather than later is essential. That way, they know that you are attentive to their needs as a new subscriber.

You can also add some of your best work in the welcome letter to get them started. Not to mention your social media should also also also be attached to the email. 

#53: Monetize With Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are many bloggers’ bread and butter. This is one of the main ways a ton of people make money through blogging. Not to mention, sponsored posts can often come with many fantastic freebies! 

Sponsored posts is one of the best ways to monetize your blog

But be warned. If the product you were hired to post about does not meet your standards, be honest with your readers. There is nothing worse than buying something that a great content creator recommended,,, and it is nothing like what they stated. 

That would be a quick way to lose followers and respectability. 

#54: Create A Product

Many rely solely on their blogging skills to make money from their blogs. However, some people often want to go above and beyond when it comes to monetizing their content. 

More often than not, successful bloggers are questioned about how they have managed to do it. And they eventually figured out that all their knowledge could be used to educate others! 

Just check out Appsumo! I already mentioned it once before, but it is chopped-full of people trying to sell their courses for successful blogging

#55: Update Old Content

Evergreen articles are great, but you cannot just republish them precisely as-is. Significantly if you have grown your blogging knowledge since the post initially went live!

The best course of action is to plug the post into a keyword tool such as RankIQ or even SEMRush to see how it can be added upon and improved. This way, it is nearly a new article with a lot more opportunity to be seen! 

#56: Done Is Better Than Perfect

Sometimes, the time crunch for new posts is accurate. And it is better to have content that is finished rather than perfected. After all, you can constantly update what is needed later. 

#57: Write Longer Articles

Yes, longer articles may take a bit longer to write, but it has been shown repeatedly that they often do better when people search for information-– especially on Google. 

Not only that, but writing longer articles or posts allows you to hone your craft a bit better than writing shorter ones. And you have to make sure that the product, service, or topic you are writing about is up-to-date and accurate. Some blogging tips are super simple!

#58: Write Evergreen Articles

Along with writing longer articles, Evergreen articles will ensure that the information you share is time-tested. At least for some time. 

By keeping your article as relevant as possible, the level of traffic will, hopefully, never lessen as time goes on. And it is not very hard to do!

For example, instead of writing about the winter holidays while writing about a list of gifts, you should write about birthdays or even anniversaries. 

#59: Take Your Own Photos

Having your own photos will not only save you time but also money. In addition, you can reuse them as much as you would like without worrying about being sued for using a picture and not giving the proper credit. 

If you want to know what cameras are best for bloggers, check out our post on the best cameras for bloggers.

If you check out my sister’s article, 20 Perfect and Practical Gifts For Bloggers in 2022, she gives a few suggestions for cameras and even background kits

#60: Optimize On-Page SEO

Optimizing SEO is necessary if you want to appear on Google search results. This allows potential readers to find your article using specific keywords and phrases. 

Here is a quick example of how it works. I want to write an article about traveling to Costa Rica. My main keywords would probably be to travel abroad and to Costa Rica

Then, depending on which keyword research tool you decide to use, either RankIQ or SEMRush, it will give you multiple options to choose from to add to the article. Such as plane tickets, luggage, beaches in Costa Rica, etc. 

Then, a potential reader that wants to know more about traveling to Costa Rica will search, traveling to Costa Rica (or some form of that), and the more keywords you use, the more likely your article will be higher in the results! 

#61: Write Meta Descriptions for Articles

This is an essential but super simple tip. A meta description is basically just a summary of your article. Or even a short intro! It is meant to reel in readers, like a fisherman who uses bait.

Think about it. Would you have clicked on this article if you had no idea what it was about? Absolutely not!

The only thing I like to start off blind is movies. I think trailers often let us know way too much. 

#62: Optimize Sales Funnel

What exactly is a sales funnel? It’s actually super simple. This is the potential process buyers go through up until they make (or don’t) a purchase. 

Usually, this process is made up of four distinct steps, but it may sometimes have more. Below is how the average sales funnel looks:

Step 1: Awareness

This is when your potential customers first become aware of your products or services. They could have heard about it through an email or social media that you posted. 

Step 2: Interest

The next step is up to you. How do you keep the potential customers” attention and interest in the product? This is also when it is essential to be as honest as possible so they can make a fair assessment of the product or service. You could even give them a quick summary of the products” competitors and compare and contrast them in one post, so they won’t feel the need to leave your site to do more research. 

Step 3: Decision

After their interest is peaked and the research phase is over, the potential customers will decide whether to buy or not the product or service you are offering them. 

Step 4: Action

Finally, all your hard work to share and sell the product or service comes to fruition. Hopefully, they will buy the product (with your link or unique code), but if they decide to wait or get distracted before reaching this stage, you can always send out little reminders to them to keep what they were researching on top of their minds.

Optimizing your sales funnel will streamline the process of your readers making a purchase through either an affiliate link you put into your blog posts or a unique discount code. 

#63: Use a Conversational Tone In Your Blog Posts

This is one of my favorite pieces of blogging advice. I write my posts as if I am speaking to friends and/or mentees. I want my work to be accepted, and if my posts become dull or too sales-pitchy, I will likely do so. 

Your blog is meant to reach out to people and improve lives. And who wants to constantly read from a dull, salesman, or overly negative writer? If you enjoy what you do, it will come through! 

#64: Add a Clear Call to Action to Each Article

A call to action is asking and/or telling your readers to follow up on another post you’ve made, a video, or to make a purchase. It is almost like saying, hey, you’re done reading this post, but also check out this other excellent post! 

Adding a call to action is an important but often overlooked blogger tip

You can also simply ask them to engage with your work. For example, ask them what they think about what you have written and share it in the comments section. This is a great way to keep your readers engaged and feeling like they are also being heard and understood. 

#65: Join Blogging Groups On Social Media

By joining a blogging group on social media, you are setting yourself up for nothing but success! You would have officially surrounded yourself with like-minded people who are also driven and hardworking and will most likely share constant tips and tricks! 

Pay attention to what people are sharing and see if the commenters agree. If they do, you should start doing it, too! My favorite group is Bloggers Supporting Bloggers, found on Facebook (for obvious reasons). 

#66: Compress Images

The last thing you want for your blog site is to run super slow due to big pictures. Keep them small. JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats are known to be the best for keeping up your site’s performance while also allowing the pictures to still come out looking great. 

#67: Write Quality Content

Writing quality content may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at the number of people who just throw things at their audience to see what works and sticks with it. No. You have to make sure what you are putting out there is good! Otherwise, why would they come back for more? 

#68: Use Numbers In Your Article Titles

And last but certainly not least, it is simple to explain. People like numbers. And so does Google. It is easier to understand when searching the web for quick answers.

Posts are more likely to be clicked if you include a number in their title. In fact, headlines with a number usually generate about 73% more shares!

But that is not all. 

Readers who do not have enough time to read through paragraphs upon paragraphs of information love to read listicles more. It lets them know how long it will take to get the valuable information you share.

That’s All, Folks! 

Phew! We made it! 68 excellent blogging tips for new bloggers! I hope these tips will help you grow your blog and inspire you to share with other new bloggers.

When I started blogging years ago, I wished I had something like this to help guide me. But at least I can now support the new generation of bloggers to grow! 

And remember, all these tips I shared are not necessarily something you need to practice immediately. In fact, half of these tips I have just learned myself not too long ago are doing wonders for my blog’s success rate! 

There are so many courses for you to take that will help you further your blogging journey. And when things get to be a bit tougher (and they definitely will at some point), just remember why you started. 

Blogging as a career is a rare opportunity that not many people get to do today. So take full advantage of being able to do something rich and rewarding.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any tips I might have missed. I would love to continue updating this article with new and fresh ideas!

68 Useful Blogging Tips For New Bloggers in 2023


  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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